[TowerTalk] another stupid guywire question

K5MLC (Mike) k5mlc at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jul 18 09:22:44 EDT 2008

WOW!  Thanks again Bill!  I just acquired the Loos Tensioner tool from Champion along with some other neat stuff.  
Right now I have temporary guys at 21', 31' and 41'.  The tip of the mast is at 52' with the A3S mounted at 51'  -  I'm going to use the 3/16 galvanized wire rope and see what happens with the SWR readings - let you and the group know how it goes.  Attachment is a picture of the A3S!
Thanks again Bill and the group for all of the great info!
73 de K5MLC

----- Original Message ----
From: bill rubin <brubin2010 at gmail.com>
To: K5MLC (Mike) <k5mlc at sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2008 9:27:23 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] another stupid guywire question

yes every 27 ft or less (less is better the closer to the tower)

tower (egg) ~27ft~ (egg)~27ft~(egg)~27ft.....

The more egg insulators in line the better, but you have additional cost (2 guy grips and and egg) each break.
more info here:

The goal here is to make length less than the beam frequency so there is no parasitic reaction to the guys.   The cost for the phillistran was about 20% more, but i think it was worth it.  1. less work, 2. less point of failures, 3. being the cool guy hi tech guy....:)

you should also look at getting a measuring tool to insure you have the proper cable tensions.
http://championradio.com/rigging.html Loos Guy Wire Tensioners  
Also see the tension amounts chart based on  temp. and cable size...
see attachment. 

73 Bill N1HWC

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 9:27 AM, K5MLC (Mike) <k5mlc at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

Thanks again Bill!  
Yeah, I've looked at the info at Texas Towers. The EHS and the galvanized wire rope look pretty much the same as far as strength.  I've order 500' of the wire rope.  I may try to acquire enough of the kevlar rope to use at the very top of the 51' tower.  I have an A3S with the 743 40 meter addon atop the tower. Since I live on the Gulf Coast - I don't think I can "overguy" the tower. <grin>  
So, do you mean the insulators should be at 27' or less or more than 27'?   
73 de K5MLC Mike

----- Original Message ----
From: bill rubin <brubin2010 at gmail.com>
To: K5MLC (Mike) <k5mlc at sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 6:55:24 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] another stupid guywire question

i would recommend EHS as well.  also the rule of thumb for the insulators is ~27ft. so i heard.  I used and recommend  using phillystran  (Kevlar rope) made for guy lines combined with EHS at the bottom.   see more info at texastowers.com  

73 Bill N1HWC

see my tower project at n1hwc.com

On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 11:40 AM, K5MLC (Mike) <k5mlc at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

Does anyone have any idea if 3/16 7x19 galvanized "aircraft cable" with a burst strength of 4200lbs would be OK to use instead of EHS for guying a 51' rohn 25 with a cushcraft A3S/743 40 meter adon antenna sitting atop ?  Also, is there a "rule of thumb for dumbies" as how to not have the metal guywire resonance on HF - (ie how far apart do you place those glass eggs? Do all the guywires need them, or just the closer ones to the antenna?) Thanks in advance de K5MLC

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