[TowerTalk] tower restrictions

David Gilbert xdavid at cis-broadband.com
Fri Jul 18 13:38:23 EDT 2008

That's convenient, but possibly not wise.  I wonder what your insurance 
company's position will be if your tower falls down and causes a lot of 
damage (or injures someone), and you can't show that installing it had 
been approved or inspected for compliance to code.  My guess is that 
they don't much care how well established you are in the community.

Or what happens if a new neighbor moves in two houses down from you and 
turns you in to the local planning and zoning commission (which is 
usually obligated to act).  In most places, the township would have the 
right to force you to take it down even if you had met the local code 
when installing it, although they would be more likely to just levy a 
fine against you.

I always viewed building permits as cheap insurance against such issues 
even though they aren't a guarantee.

Dave   AB7E

Gregg Seidl wrote:
> The more I read all the interesting stories about what can go wrong with 
> trying to put up a reasonable tower I think I'll stay here forever.I guess 
> I'm lucky,I put up an 85 foot tower this year as well as a short 12 footer 
> and I didn't even get a building permit.I've had other towers up in my yard 
> now for 19 years and no one has said a word.
>     It "might" help that I've lived in this township my whole life as did my 
> parents,grandparents.....
>     There has just got to be other townships that don't get all bent out of 
> shape over towers.  www.k9kl.com
> Gregg K9KL 
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