[TowerTalk] {SPAM} Re: hazer comments

WA3GIN wa3gin at comcast.net
Wed Jul 30 21:43:31 EDT 2008

Don't do it unless the tower is designed for guying...some are! The TRI-EX 
CT-100 is a crank-up designed to be guyed. Each tower section carries the 
weight of those above it. Not a problem for the 1/4" steel cables. The dead 
weight antenna spec is 600lbs and the wind load spec is 40sq ft fully 
extended.  Over 25yr old, never had a problem...I check the cables at least 
twice a month if not weekly.

Good Luck,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dan Hearn" <dhearn at air-pipe.com>
To: "Dennis Petrich" <radioart at charter.net>; <WB4UNA at aol.com>; 
<TowerTalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 9:05 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] {SPAM} Re: hazer comments

> Dennis: You will find different opinions here on many subjects however I
> believe there is almost uniform opinion on guying crankup towers. Don't do
> it. That puts additional stress on the lifting cables when horizontal 
> force
> is applied to the tower.  73. Dan, N5AR


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