[TowerTalk] Rohn TB4 Thrust bearing

Jeff Goldman k3dua at erols.com
Tue Jan 6 17:34:56 EST 2009

When I put up my first tower  (a Rohn 45 with the flat top plate), I  
purchased a Fafner 4-bolt flange bearing from a local distributor.   
Being an Americal made bearing it was fairly expensive.  That was up  
for almost 20 years and still worked fine.

On my current tower, I have another bearing that I got from the  
Surplus Center.  They have many 2, 3 and 4 bolt flange bearings with  
various inside dimensions from 1/2 inch on up to 3 inches.  The 2-1/8  
inch bearing (4 bolt mounting) cost all of $20.95 (plus shipping of  
course).  These are heavy duty, and have a built in grease fitting.   
Here is a link to the webpage on that bearing:
Burden Sales Surplus Center Item Detail
and here is the link to page 1 of 4 of the all of the 4-bolt flange  
Burden Sales Surplus Center

The one thing that I would recommend is some sort of protective cover  
to keep the rain off the bearing (and eventual rust).

Using any of these may mean that you might have to drill some new  
holes in the top plate to mount the bearing, but in the long run, i  
found these to be a good product.

Jeff, K3DUA

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