January 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Jan 1 01:24:08 EST 2009
Ending: Sat Jan 31 18:58:29 EST 2009
Messages: 506
- [TowerTalk] Im looking for the manual for a KLM 4el 40 meter beam.
- [TowerTalk] Thanks guys for the help with the KLM 4el 40 I got what I needed.
- [TowerTalk] Best way to feed a 4El Quad or a 6El Quad 5Band for both?
- [TowerTalk] A poll of Cubical Quad qwners
- [TowerTalk] Springs for erecting loops nd dipoles
- [TowerTalk] Amp building using the YC-156A tube?
- [TowerTalk] stacking distances
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] what size wire for kilowatt TX ??
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] what size wire for kilowatt TX ??
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Crimper for Belden 9913 - Response DAVIS RF Co.
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] 75 OHM cable
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Rohn TB4 Thrust bearing
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Rohn TB4 Thrust bearing
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Fw: [WISPA] Tower accident
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Rohn TB4 Thrust bearing
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] BCB Intermodulation
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] BCB Intermodulation
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] 160m project
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Toroid "Goop"
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Toroid "Goop"
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Stainless Steel cable?
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Stainless Steel cable?
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] question of the day
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] question of the day
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Relay lightening protection
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Relay lightening protection
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Tool name?
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Relay lightening protection
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Slightly off topic N9FAA
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Serial port for Station control?
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Window line and Balun
Wes Attaway (N5WA)
- [TowerTalk] SI vs quaint measurements Re: mast stacking calculation
Doug Faunt N6TQS +1-510-655-8604
- [TowerTalk] Springs for erecting loops nd dipoles
Doug Faunt N6TQS +1-510-655-8604
- [TowerTalk] WTB AB-577 or AB-621 Tower
Ken A
- [TowerTalk] 1/4" EHS Cable
- [TowerTalk] in or on ground radials v. elevated (was: InvertedL)
Bert Almemo
- [TowerTalk] Anti climbing device
Tom Anderson
- [TowerTalk] TRI_Ex Tower Blueprints
- [TowerTalk] Tool name?
- [TowerTalk] in or on ground radials v. elevated (was: Inverted L)
Rob Atkinson
- [TowerTalk] Soldering irons
Bill Axelrod
- [TowerTalk] Crimper for Belden 9913 - Response DAVIS RF Co.
Bill Aycock
- [TowerTalk] Rohn TB4 Thrust bearing
Bill Aycock
- [TowerTalk] mast stacking calculation
Bill Aycock
- [TowerTalk] Riley's Replacement
Bill Aycock
- [TowerTalk] Slightly off topic N9FAA
Bill Aycock
- [TowerTalk] Hello
- [TowerTalk] 40-m. 4-Square vs. 40-m. Yagi - Update
Pat Barthelow
- [TowerTalk] BCB Intermodulation
Pat Barthelow
- [TowerTalk] Looking for old Triex CZ-471 tower engineering plans and drawings
Ray Benny
- [TowerTalk] Looking for old Triex CZ-471 tower engineering plans and drawings
Ray Benny
- [TowerTalk] Topband: Insulators for enclosure?
- [TowerTalk] Vertical/Radials
Larry Boekeloo
- [TowerTalk] Hygain Vertical
Larry Boekeloo
- [TowerTalk] Springs
Bob Bogash
- [TowerTalk] Riley's Replacement
Blake Bowers
- [TowerTalk] Topband: RFI
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Unique Inv L...Help!
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Unique Inv L...Help!
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] 75 OHM cable
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] 75 OHM cable
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Crimper for Belden 9913 - Response DAVIS RF Co.
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] BCB Intermodulation
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] New book available
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] 160m project
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] 160 dipole?
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Toroid "Goop"
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Rotor control
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Topband: Slant (Shunt) Feeding 88' Tower on 160
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Window line and Balun
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Wrench, got it - tnx
Ted Bryant
- [TowerTalk] 1/4" EHS Guy Wire
Larry Burke
- [TowerTalk] strengthening Cushcraft 40-2CD
Jorge Diez - CX6VM
- [TowerTalk] Cushcraft XM510 modification up to 7 elements
Jorge Diez - CX6VM
- [TowerTalk] mast stacking calculation
Jorge Diez - CX6VM
- [TowerTalk] masts for antennas
Jorge Diez - CX6VM
- [TowerTalk] Soldering irons
Neal Campbell
- [TowerTalk] vintage Tri-Ex tower/support
Jeff Carter
- [TowerTalk] RCS-4 and noise
Jon Casamajor
- [TowerTalk] Cable management on a Crank up tower
Jon Casamajor
- [TowerTalk] Cold Galvanize Info Needed for Older tower Refurb
Jon Casamajor
- [TowerTalk] Antenna Switch Needed
Jon Casamajor
- [TowerTalk] Topband: Insulators for enclosure?
Wilson A. Caselli
- [TowerTalk] Toroid "Goop"
Wilson A. Caselli
- [TowerTalk] Riley's Replacement
Jim Chaggaris
- [TowerTalk] Unique Inv L...Help!
Donald Chester
- [TowerTalk] Feeding half wave vertical (was Unique Inv L...Help!)
Donald Chester
- [TowerTalk] Barker & Williamson (E.F. Johnson) HDVL-HDCL-HDA Coil Sets
Paul Christensen
- [TowerTalk] Keeping stranded center conductors from expanding
Kimo Chun
- [TowerTalk] 1/4" EHS Guy Wire
Dan Cisson
- [TowerTalk] radial systems
Craig Clark
- [TowerTalk] Topband Digest, Vol 73, Issue 41
Craig Clark
- [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 73, Issue 63
Craig Clark
Ben A Clifton
- [TowerTalk] Crimper for Belden 9913 - Response DAVIS RF Co.
Steve Davis -Davis RF Co.
- [TowerTalk] Crimper for Belden 9913 - Response DAVIS RF Co.
Steve Davis -Davis RF Co.
- [TowerTalk] Crimper for Belden 9913 - Response DAVIS RF Co.
Steve Davis -Davis RF Co.
- [TowerTalk] Crimper for Belden 9913 - Response DAVIS RF Co.
Steve Davis -Davis RF Co.
- [TowerTalk] Yr-end closeout - Dacron/Kevlar Rope HS 3200 lb. by DAVIS RF Co.
Steve Davis -Davis RF Co.
- [TowerTalk] Fw: Yr-end closeout -*** 1/4" (.25") *** Dacron/Kevlar Rope HS 3200 lb. byDAVIS RF Co.
Steve Davis -Davis RF Co.
- [TowerTalk] UPDATE: Kevlar SOLD Talk] Yr-end closeout -*** 1/4" (.25") *** Dacron/Kevlar Rope HS 3200 lb. byDAVIS RF Co.
Steve Davis -Davis RF Co.
- [TowerTalk] Year end closeout from DAVIS RF Co.
Steve Davis -Davis RF Co.
- [TowerTalk] Rotator Control
Denis Coolican
- [TowerTalk] Anyone have a PE report for a tower?
Todd Coulter
- [TowerTalk] FW: Topband: RFI
Wm. Freddy Curtis
- [TowerTalk] Slightly off topic N9FAA
- [TowerTalk] Orion 2800 replacement mast clamp available
Dino Darling
- [TowerTalk] Inverted L
Darl Deeds
- [TowerTalk] Inverted L
Darl Deeds
- [TowerTalk] Cable management on crankup towers
Dick Dievendorff
- [TowerTalk] Tool name?
Dick Dievendorff
- [TowerTalk] Relay lightening protection
Dick Dievendorff
- [TowerTalk] Unknown N Connectors
Michael Dinkelman
- [TowerTalk] WANTED: Thrust Bearing
Dugas, Jason A. (JSC-EP)
- [TowerTalk] Soldering irons
Norm Duxbury
- [TowerTalk] Springs for erecting loops nd dipoles
Rod Elliott
- [TowerTalk] what size wire for kilowatt TX ??
Martin Ewing
- [TowerTalk] what size wire for kilowatt TX ??
Martin Ewing
- [TowerTalk] what size wire for kilowatt TX ??
Martin Ewing
- [TowerTalk] what size wire for kilowatt TX ??
Martin Ewing
- [TowerTalk] what size wire for kilowatt TX ??
Martin Ewing
- [TowerTalk] Question on towers on hill top sites
Mohammed Fareeduddin
- [TowerTalk] What info did you receive with your new tower?
W0MU Mike Fatchett
- [TowerTalk] Springs for erecting loops nd dipoles
W0MU Mike Fatchett
- [TowerTalk] Anti climbing device
W0MU Mike Fatchett
- [TowerTalk] Polyphaser Protectors of HF
Drax Felton
- [TowerTalk] [Spam] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 73, Issue 9
Bill Fuqua
- [TowerTalk] [Spam] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 73, Issue 24
Bill Fuqua
- [TowerTalk] Cable management on crankup towers
Jim Garland
- [TowerTalk] 40-m. 4-Square vs. 40-m. Yagi
- [TowerTalk] FOR SALE US TOWER HDX-555
- [TowerTalk] Wire Diameter and Signal Gain
Michael Germino
- [TowerTalk] MRF Mast raising fixture, US towers
Bill Gillenwater
- [TowerTalk] Springs for erecting loops nd dipoles
Bill Gillenwater
- [TowerTalk] A poll of Cubical Quad qwners
Michael Goins
- [TowerTalk] Looking for poles, a remote switch, etc.
Michael Goins
- [TowerTalk] OT - trying to unsubscribe
Michael Goins
- [TowerTalk] Rohn TB4 Thrust bearing
Jeff Goldman
- [TowerTalk] Rohn TB4 Thrust bearing
Jeff Goldman
- [TowerTalk] 40-m. 4-Square vs. 40-m. Yagi
Tom Haavisto
- [TowerTalk] shorty 40 vs vertical
Tom Haavisto
- [TowerTalk] Tool name?
Dave Hachadorian
- [TowerTalk] Soldering irons
Dave Hachadorian
- [TowerTalk] Toroid "Goop"
Jim Hargrave
- [TowerTalk] Rotor control
Jim Hargrave
- [TowerTalk] Do Your Neighbors Complain About Your Antenna?
Jim Hargrave
- [TowerTalk] Do Your Neighbors Complain About Your Antenna?
Jim Hargrave
- [TowerTalk] question of the day
Jim Hargrave
- [TowerTalk] question of the day
Jim Hargrave
- [TowerTalk] Relay lightening protection
Jim Hargrave
- [TowerTalk] Antenna Switch Needed
Jim Hargrave
- [TowerTalk] Antenna Switch Needed
Jim Hargrave
- [TowerTalk] Antenna Switch Needed
Jim Hargrave
- [TowerTalk] Soldering irons
Dave Harmon
- [TowerTalk] Rohn TB4 Thrust bearing
Dan Hearn
- [TowerTalk] Springs for erecting loops nd dipoles
W2RU - Bud Hippisley
- [TowerTalk] [Fwd: Re: ground mounted rotor, with mast up inside of Rohn tower.
Jim Hoge
- [TowerTalk] Window line and Balun
Tim Holmes
- [TowerTalk] Need Home for Quad
Dennis A. Homerick
- [TowerTalk] what size wire for kilowatt TX ??
Steve Hunt
- [TowerTalk] what size wire for kilowatt TX ??
Steve Hunt
- [TowerTalk] what size wire for kilowatt TX ??
Steve Hunt
- [TowerTalk] what size wire for kilowatt TX ??
Steve Hunt
- [TowerTalk] what size wire for kilowatt TX ??
Steve Hunt
- [TowerTalk] what size wire for kilowatt TX ??
Steve Hunt
- [TowerTalk] what size wire for kilowatt TX ??
Steve Hunt
- [TowerTalk] what size wire for kilowatt TX ??
Steve Hunt
- [TowerTalk] Inverted L longer than 1/4 wave.
Steve Hunt
- [TowerTalk] Wire Diameter and Signal Gain
Steve Hunt
- [TowerTalk] Wire Diameter and Signal Gain
Steve Hunt
- [TowerTalk] Wire Diameter and Signal Gain
Steve Hunt
- [TowerTalk] Slightly off topic N9FAA
- [TowerTalk] 40m 4square v. 40m yagi
jim Jarvis
- [TowerTalk] BCB intermod
jim Jarvis
- [TowerTalk] question of the day
jim Jarvis
- [TowerTalk] 25g & 40m yagi
jim Jarvis
- [TowerTalk] relay lightning protection
jim Jarvis
- [TowerTalk] Antenna Switch Needed
- [TowerTalk] Antenna Switch Needed
Joe Subich, W4TV
- [TowerTalk] FW: Amateur Radio Communications LDC Amendments/http://www.sandiego.gov/development-services/industry/amateuradio.shtml
David Jordan
- [TowerTalk] 40-m. 4-Square vs. 40-m. Yagi - Update
- [TowerTalk] New book available
- [TowerTalk] New book available
- [TowerTalk] fancy switches Re: Antenna Switch Needed
- [TowerTalk] fancy switches Re: Antenna Switch Needed
- [TowerTalk] Soldering irons
- [TowerTalk] Anti climbing device
- [TowerTalk] Force12 5BA
Howard K2HK
- [TowerTalk] What info did you receive with your new tower?
Howard K2HK
- [TowerTalk] Need vacuum relay....Jennings RJ1A or Kilovac HC1
Tim Duffy K3LR
- [TowerTalk] Current Choke Needed
Tim Duffy K3LR
- [TowerTalk] Current Choke Needed
Tim Duffy K3LR
- [TowerTalk] Tool name?
Perry - K4PWO
- [TowerTalk] 40-m. 4-Square vs. 40-m. Yagi - Update
- [TowerTalk] 40-m. 4-Square vs. 40-m. Yagi - Update
- [TowerTalk] Unique Inv L...Help!
- [TowerTalk] Unique Inv L...Help!
- [TowerTalk] Unique Inv L...Help!
- [TowerTalk] what size wire for kilowatt TX ??
- [TowerTalk] what size wire for kilowatt TX ??
- [TowerTalk] what size wire for kilowatt TX ??
- [TowerTalk] 160m project
- [TowerTalk] 160 dipole?
- [TowerTalk] Relay lightening protection
- [TowerTalk] Force12 5BA
- [TowerTalk] Toroid "Goop"
- [TowerTalk] Stainless Steel cable?
David Branson KC0LL
- [TowerTalk] Cable management on a Crank up tower
- [TowerTalk] FYI for a ham fest
Its from KE4VYN
- [TowerTalk] Antenna Switch Needed
Les Kalmus
- [TowerTalk] Interaction Between Vertical and Yagi
Larry & Karen
- [TowerTalk] Do Your Neighbors Complain About Your Antenna
Larry & Karen
- [TowerTalk] What info did you receive with your new tower?
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- [TowerTalk] Modeling program for Folded Unipole antenna?s
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- [TowerTalk] 160 Meter Receiving Loop Antenna
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- [TowerTalk] Feeding half wave vertical (was Unique Inv L...Help!)
Rick Karlquist
- [TowerTalk] 75 OHM cable
Steve Katz
- [TowerTalk] vintage Tri-Ex tower/support
Steve Katz
- [TowerTalk] Quad question
John King
- [TowerTalk] A poll of Cubical Quad qwners
John King
- [TowerTalk] Inverted L longer than 1/4 wave.
John King
- [TowerTalk] Modeling program for Folded Unipole antenna?s
John King
- [TowerTalk] Stainless Steel cable?
John King
- [TowerTalk] WT 51 Cable
John King
- [TowerTalk] Dimensions of tower base for Tri Ex WT 51 tower
John King
- [TowerTalk] "Question of the Day" from the Antenna Farm
John King
- [TowerTalk] Springs for erecting loops nd dipoles
John King
- [TowerTalk] Springs for dibpoes and other antennas
John King
- [TowerTalk] Spelling at 2:30 AM
John King
- [TowerTalk] Anyone have a PE report for a tower?
L. Greg Magone, PE
- [TowerTalk] Cable management on crankup towers
Lou Laderman
- [TowerTalk] Topband: Insulators for enclosure?
Rex Lint
- [TowerTalk] Relay lightening protection
Rex Lint
- [TowerTalk] Tool name? (offset ratcheting box-end wrenches)
Rex Lint
- [TowerTalk] Relay lightening protection
Jim Lux
- [TowerTalk] EHS cable
John Lyles
- [TowerTalk] What info did you receive with your new tower?
Greg Magone
- [TowerTalk] stacking distances
Steve Maki
- [TowerTalk] spiderbeam and dx-is.com
Alex Malyava
- [TowerTalk] spiderbeam and dx-is.com
Alex Malyava
- [TowerTalk] CDE Rotor
Dale Martin
- [TowerTalk] Interaction between Vertical and Yagi
Bob Maser
- [TowerTalk] vintage Tri-Ex tower/support
Bob Maser
- [TowerTalk] Antenna Switch Needed
Bob Maser
- [TowerTalk] Riley's Replacement
Bob Maser
- [TowerTalk] Keeping stranded center conductors from expanding
Scott McClements
- [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 73, Issue 61
Ben McManus
- [TowerTalk] MRF Mast raising fixture, US towers
Mike, K6BR
- [TowerTalk] MRF Mast raising fixture, US towers
Mike, K6BR
- [TowerTalk] MRF Mast raising fixture, US towers
Mike, K6BR
- [TowerTalk] MRF Mast raising fixture, US towers
Mike, K6BR
- [TowerTalk] Tri-ex LM-47 Cables
Mike, K6BR
- [TowerTalk] Tri-ex LM-47 Cables
Mike, K6BR
- [TowerTalk] Stainless Steel cable?
Mike, K6BR
- [TowerTalk] Dimensions of tower base for Tri Ex WT 51 tower
Mike, K6BR
- [TowerTalk] Tool name?
Mike, K6BR
- [TowerTalk] Tool name? (offset ratcheting box-end wrenches)
Mike, K6BR
- [TowerTalk] shorty 40 vs vertical
Chet Moore
- [TowerTalk] Soldering irons
Chet Moore
- [TowerTalk] Relay lightening protection
Kipton Moravec
- [TowerTalk] Relay lightening protection
Kipton Moravec
- [TowerTalk] Relay lightening protection
Kipton Moravec
- [TowerTalk] stacking distances
Robert Morris
- [TowerTalk] BCB Intermodulation
Robert Morris
- [TowerTalk] Springs for erecting loops nd dipoles
Fred Mott
- [TowerTalk] What info did you receive with your new tower?
Gary - N3JPU
- [TowerTalk] Interaction between Vertical and Yagi
Dan Zimmerman N3OX
- [TowerTalk] BCB Intermodulation
Dan Zimmerman N3OX
- [TowerTalk] A poll of Cubical Quad qwners
- [TowerTalk] FS: Force12 Delta 6 BA
- [TowerTalk] WTB:Boom and beta match, etc
- [TowerTalk] FS: Force 12 Delta 6 BA
- [TowerTalk] What info did you receive with your new tower?
Alan NV8A
- [TowerTalk] MRF Mast raising fixture, US towers
Alan NV8A
- [TowerTalk] Cable management on crankup towers
Alan NV8A
- [TowerTalk] Do Your Neighbors Complain About Your Antenna?
Bob Nielsen
- [TowerTalk] A poll of Cubical Quad qwners
Bill Ogden
- [TowerTalk] 160m project
Its from Onion
- [TowerTalk] Rotor control
Its from Onion
- [TowerTalk] Cold Galvanize Info Needed for Older tower Refurb
Tom Osborne
- [TowerTalk] Springs for erecting loops nd dipoles
Tom Osborne
- [TowerTalk] Springs for erecting loops nd dipoles
Tom Osborne
- [TowerTalk] Slightly off topic N9FAA
Tom Osborne
- [TowerTalk] Need Vacuum Relays ?
Ragnar Otterstad
- [TowerTalk] 40-m. 4-Square vs. 40-m. Yagi - Update
Bill Parry
- [TowerTalk] Rotor control
Julio Peralta
- [TowerTalk] [CQ-Contest] Yaesu G-450A rotor troubles
Paul J. Piercey
- [TowerTalk] Shunt Feeding a Large Tapered Tower
Bill Powell
- [TowerTalk] 1 control box on more than 1 rotor
Doug Renwick
- [TowerTalk] Window line and Balun
Jim Rhodes
- [TowerTalk] Topband: RFI
- [TowerTalk] 160 Mtr Vertical Query
- [TowerTalk] Unique Inv L...Help!
- [TowerTalk] what size wire for kilowatt TX ??
- [TowerTalk] Crimper for Belden 9913 - Response DAVIS RF Co.
- [TowerTalk] Interaction between Vertical and Yagi
- [TowerTalk] BCB Intermodulation
- [TowerTalk] New book available
- [TowerTalk] Vertical/Radials
- [TowerTalk] Inverted L
- [TowerTalk] Toroid "Goop"
- [TowerTalk] Cold Galvanize Info Needed for Older tower Refurb
- [TowerTalk] Hygain Vertical
- [TowerTalk] Window line and Balun
- [TowerTalk] Spelling at 2:30 AM
- [TowerTalk] Spelling
- [TowerTalk] Riley's Replacement
- [TowerTalk] BCB Intermodulation
Ed Richardson
- [TowerTalk] BCB Intermodulation
Ed Richardson
- [TowerTalk] BCB Intermodulation - resolution
Ed Richardson
- [TowerTalk] Unique Inv L...Help!
Mark Robinson
- [TowerTalk] Unique Inv L...Help!
Mark Robinson
- [TowerTalk] MRF Mast raising fixture, US towers
Mark Robinson
- [TowerTalk] Current Choke Needed
Mark Robinson
- [TowerTalk] 160m project
Mark Robinson
- [TowerTalk] Interaction between Vertical and Yagi
Michael Ryan
- [TowerTalk] Stainless Steel cable?
Michael Ryan
- [TowerTalk] Cushcraft MA-160V
- [TowerTalk] Current Choke Needed
- [TowerTalk] Toroid Question (for Current Choke)
- [TowerTalk] Toroid Question (for Current Choke)
- [TowerTalk] Toroid Question (for Current Choke)
- [TowerTalk] Toroid Question (for Current Choke)
- [TowerTalk] Toroid Question (for Current Choke)
- [TowerTalk] Toroid "Goop"
- [TowerTalk] 160 Meter Receiving Loop Antenna
- [TowerTalk] Antenna Switch Needed
- [TowerTalk] Antenna Switch Needed
- [TowerTalk] Riley's Replacement
- [TowerTalk] Tool name? (offset ratcheting box-end wrenches)
- [TowerTalk] comtek systems yagi stack manuals
Steve Sala
- [TowerTalk] Need vacuum relay....Jennings RJ1A or Kilovac HC1
Phil & Debbie Salas
- [TowerTalk] Antenna Switch Needed
Phil & Debbie Salas
- [TowerTalk] Fw: [WISPA] Tower accident
Marlon K. Schafer
- [TowerTalk] stacking distances
Gregg Seidl
- [TowerTalk] stacking distances
Gregg Seidl
- [TowerTalk] stacking distamces
Gregg Seidl
- [TowerTalk] OR-2800 fault
Gregg Seidl
- [TowerTalk] For Sale
Gregg Seidl
- [TowerTalk] Cable management on crankup towers
Gary Slagel
- [TowerTalk] Antenna Switch Needed
Pete Smith
- [TowerTalk] Crimper for Belden 9913
Mark Spencer
- [TowerTalk] Crimper for Belden 9913 - Response DAVIS RF Co.
Mark Spencer
- [TowerTalk] Crimper for Belden 9913 - Response DAVIS RF Co.
Mark Spencer
- [TowerTalk] Crimper for Belden 9913 - Response DAVIS RF Co.
Mark Spencer
- [TowerTalk] Fw: Crimper for Belden 9913 - Response DAVIS RF Co.
Mark Spencer
- [TowerTalk] Keeping stranded center conductors from expanding
Mark Spencer
- [TowerTalk] Plans
Martin Staffa
- [TowerTalk] Galvinize
Martin Staffa
- [TowerTalk] Rohn TB4 Thrust bearing
Ed Stallman
- [TowerTalk] Unique Inv L...Help!
Edward Sylvester
- [TowerTalk] Antenna Switch Needed
- [TowerTalk] Antenna Switch Needed
David Thompson
- [TowerTalk] 160m project
Bill Tippett
- [TowerTalk] Relay lightening protection
Michael Tope
- [TowerTalk] Relay lightening protection
Michael Tope
- [TowerTalk] Antenna Switch Needed
Eric - VE3GSI
- [TowerTalk] Relay lightening protection
Eric - VE3GSI
- [TowerTalk] BCB Intermodulation
Don Moman VE6JY
- [TowerTalk] BCB Intermodulation
Don Moman VE6JY
- [TowerTalk] 75 OHM cable
Jim Valdes
- [TowerTalk] Cold Galvanize Info Needed for Older tower Refurb
Dennis Vernacchia
- [TowerTalk] 40-m. 4-Square vs. 40-m. Yagi
Peter Voelpel
- [TowerTalk] mast stacking calculation
Peter Voelpel
- [TowerTalk] mast stacking calculation
Peter Voelpel
- [TowerTalk] Lancaster PA
Scott W3TX
- [TowerTalk] Lancaster PA
Scott W3TX
- [TowerTalk] Cushcraft 30/40m kit for W3S work on ATB34?
Bob Newton W5RN
- [TowerTalk] A poll of Cubical Quad qwners
- [TowerTalk] Wire Diameter and Signal Gain
- [TowerTalk] 40-m. 4-Square vs. 40-m. Yagi - Update
Dick Green WC1M
- [TowerTalk] center pin fit on crimp connectors
Dick Green WC1M
- [TowerTalk] 1/4" EHS Guy Wire
Dick Green WC1M
- [TowerTalk] Cable management on crankup towers
Dick Green WC1M
- [TowerTalk] Cable management on crankup towers
Dick Green WC1M
- [TowerTalk] 1 control box on more than 1 rotor
Dick Green WC1M
- [TowerTalk] Orion 2800 replacement mast clamp available
Dick Green WC1M
- [TowerTalk] Tool name?
Dick Green WC1M
- [TowerTalk] Concrete curing?
Adam Shirley WJ4X
- [TowerTalk] 1/4" EHS Guy Wire
Adam Shirley WJ4X
- [TowerTalk] 1/4" EHS Guy Wire
Adam Shirley WJ4X
- [TowerTalk] 1/4" EHS Guy Wire
Adam Shirley WJ4X
- [TowerTalk] inverted L for 60?
Jim Miller WB5OXQ in Waco
- [TowerTalk] 160 dipole?
Jim Miller WB5OXQ in Waco
- [TowerTalk] 160 meter antenna
Jim Miller WB5OXQ in Waco
- [TowerTalk] Spelling
Rick Wheeler
- [TowerTalk] Interaction between Vertical and Yagi
Roger White
- [TowerTalk] Anti climbing device
Roger White
- [TowerTalk] Cushcraft 30/40m kit for W3S work on ATB34?
G.P. Widin
- [TowerTalk] Cable management on crankup towers
Al Williams
- [TowerTalk] Springs for erecting loops nd dipoles
Al Williams
- [TowerTalk] Cable management on a Crank up tower
Ed Williams
- [TowerTalk] Tool name?
Ed Williams
- [TowerTalk] TA33 Reflector trap
David J Windisch
- [TowerTalk] BCB Intermodulation
David J Windisch
- [TowerTalk] Tool name? (offset ratcheting box-end wrenches)
David J Windisch
- [TowerTalk] Tool name? (offset ratcheting box-end wrenches)
David J Windisch
- [TowerTalk] Relay lightening protection
Wolfert, William R.
- [TowerTalk] 1/4" EHS Guy Wire
Andre Van Wyk
- [TowerTalk] 1/4" EHS Guy Wire Thanks to all
Andre Van Wyk
- [TowerTalk] Tool name?
Andre Van Wyk
Hector Garcia XE2K
Hector Garcia XE2K
- [TowerTalk] Cold Galvanize Info Needed for Older tower Refurb
Ed Zeranski
- [TowerTalk] Rotor control
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Fwd: Relay lightening protection
HansLG at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Anti climbing device
HansLG at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Anyone have a PE report for a tower?
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Rohn TB4 Thrust bearing
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Concrete curing?
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] mast stacking calculation
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] mast stacking calculation
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] What info did you receive with your new tower?
K7LXC at aol.com
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] [antenneX] No-charge Trial Subs & a comp CD-ROM
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Orion 2800 replacement mast clamp available
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Amp building using the YC-156A tube?
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Tool name?
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Wrench, got it - tnx
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Slightly off topic N9FAA
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] OT - trying to unsubscribe
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] what size wire for kilowatt TX ??
KI9A at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Yaesu G-450A rotor troubles
KI9A at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Tool name?
KJ6Y at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] 40-m. 4-Square vs. 40-m. Yagi - Update
RLVZ at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Slant (Shunt) Feeding 88' Tower on 160
RLVZ at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Yagi Impedance
TexasRF at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] stacking distances
TexasRF at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Crimper for Belden 9913 - Response DAVIS RF Co.
TexasRF at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] A poll of Cubical Quad qwners
TexasRF at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Test--I didn't receive any towertalk postings today!
Trentkd5ia at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] 1 control box on more than 1 rotor
WB4UNA at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 73, Issue 5
WarrenWolff at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] ehs
greenacres113 at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] radials
greenacres113 at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] WX
greenacres113 at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Fwd: BCB Intermodulation
hanslg at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Smoking Rotor Box
jmltinc at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] 43 foot Vertical as part of 80M Inverted L?
robertsmg at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] 80M Inverted L using 43 foot vertical ?
robertsmg at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] AC Winch for Rohn FK25G
- [TowerTalk] what size wire for kilowatt TX ??
- [TowerTalk] Do Your Neighbors Complain About Your Antenna?
- [TowerTalk] [Fwd: Re: ground mounted rotor, with mast up inside of Rohn tower.
- [TowerTalk] Need vacuum relay....Jennings RJ1A or Kilovac HC1
yetiguy at earthlink.net
- [TowerTalk] TRI_Ex Tower Blueprints
yetiguy at earthlink.net
- [TowerTalk] Need vacuum relay....Jennings RJ1A or Kilovac HC1
- [TowerTalk] Thanks...got vacuum relay..
- [TowerTalk] WTB: UNIQUE WIRE TUNER....
- [TowerTalk] what size wire for kilowatt TX ??
- [TowerTalk] what size wire for kilowatt TX ??
- [TowerTalk] what size wire for kilowatt TX ??
- [TowerTalk] what size wire for kilowatt TX ??
- [TowerTalk] What info did you receive with your new tower?
- [TowerTalk] 160m project
- [TowerTalk] Toroid "Goop"
- [TowerTalk] Toroid "Goop"
- [TowerTalk] Rotor control
- [TowerTalk] mast stacking calculation
- [TowerTalk] Wire Diameter and Signal Gain
- [TowerTalk] question of the day
- [TowerTalk] Relay lightening protection
- [TowerTalk] Relay lightening protection
- [TowerTalk] Fwd: Relay lightening protection
- [TowerTalk] Relay lightening protection
- [TowerTalk] Relay lightening protection
- [TowerTalk] Antenna Switch Needed
- [TowerTalk] Antenna Switch Needed
- [TowerTalk] Antenna Switch Needed
- [TowerTalk] Relay lightening protection
- [TowerTalk] fancy switches Re: Antenna Switch Needed
- [TowerTalk] fancy switches Re: Antenna Switch Needed
- [TowerTalk] Wanzer Z Match
- [TowerTalk] CDE Rotor
nd8l at juno.com
- [TowerTalk] TA33 Reflector trap
- [TowerTalk] Yagi Impedance
john at kk9a.com
- [TowerTalk] 80M Inverted L using 43 foot vertical ?
john at kk9a.com
- [TowerTalk] 1/4" EHS Guy Wire
john at kk9a.com
- [TowerTalk] Rotor control
john at kk9a.com
- [TowerTalk] 1 control box on more than 1 rotor
john at kk9a.com
- [TowerTalk] vintage Tri-Ex tower/support
dino at kx6d.com
- [TowerTalk] vintage Tri-Ex tower/support
dino at kx6d.com
- [TowerTalk] Cable management on a Crank up tower
k0xu at longlines.com
- [TowerTalk] shorty 40 vs vertical
kr2q at optimum.net
- [TowerTalk] Slightly off topic N9FAA
- [TowerTalk] 1/4" EHS Guy Wire
donovanf at starpower.net
- [TowerTalk] 1/4" EHS Guy Wire
donovanf at starpower.net
- [TowerTalk] Rotor control
donovanf at starpower.net
- [TowerTalk] Relay lightening protection
donovanf at starpower.net
- [TowerTalk] 80M Inverted L using 43 foot vertical ?
bills stuff
- [TowerTalk] Springs for erecting loops nd dipoles
monty taylor
- [TowerTalk] Vertical/Radials
n8de at thepoint.net
- [TowerTalk] 1 control box on more than 1 rotor
n8de at thepoint.net
- [TowerTalk] Window line and Balun
n8de at thepoint.net
- [TowerTalk] Springs for erecting loops nd dipoles
n8de at thepoint.net
- [TowerTalk] Antenna Switch Needed
n8de at thepoint.net
- [TowerTalk] 80M Inverted L using 43 foot vertical ?
ai2n at twcny.rr.com
- [TowerTalk] vintage Tri-Ex tower/support
- [TowerTalk] vintage Tri-Ex tower/support
- [TowerTalk] vintage Tri-Ex tower/support
- [TowerTalk] vintage Tri-Ex tower/support
- [TowerTalk] vintage Tri-Ex tower/support
- [TowerTalk] Riley's Replacement
whiskey zulu seven zulu
- [TowerTalk] Riley's Replacement
whiskey zulu seven zulu
Last message date:
Sat Jan 31 18:58:29 EST 2009
Archived on: Sat Jan 31 15:58:34 EST 2009
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).