[TowerTalk] MRF Mast raising fixture, US towers

Bill Gillenwater gillie at pa.net
Sat Jan 10 14:06:04 EST 2009

The cable attaches to the mast at the bottom of the mast, the cable does NOT 
go through the same hole as the mast. The winch attaches to the top of the 
tower, should be bolt holes there.

73 Bill

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike, K6BR" <noddy1211 at sbcglobal.net>
To: <TOWERTALK at contesting.com>
Cc: "martin libbey" <mclibbey at sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 1:34 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] MRF Mast raising fixture, US towers

> All,
> A friend has just received an MRF (mast raising fixture) from US Towers.
> The question is how does it operate. There are no diagrams or manual as
> usual from US Towers.
> I assume that the fixture bolts to the two holes on the top plate of the
> tower, is the cable supposed to go though the same hole as the mast?
> If so this would mean that the mast and thrust bearing would have to be
> removed so that the cable and cleat could pass through the mast hole and
> would stop the use of a thrust bearing, I can't believe this would be 
> true.
> Any help with an explanation or photos would be very much appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Mike, K6BR and K6MCL
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