[TowerTalk] Crimper for Belden 9913 - Response DAVIS RF Co.
Bill Aycock
baycock at hughes.net
Tue Jan 6 16:39:42 EST 2009
The subject of your post was *not* "Crimper for Belden 9913 - Response DAVIS
RF Co." If you are the "list Police", follow the common rules, stick to the
thread defined by the subject.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Brown" <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com>
To: "Mark Spencer" <mspencer12345 at yahoo.ca>
Cc: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Crimper for Belden 9913 - Response DAVIS RF Co.
> Hey Mark,
> Email reflectors are read by people with a wide variety of email software.
> Because I subscribe to a lot of public lists, I purposely use email
> software
> that I can set to avoid viruses and other security threats. Part of that
> strategy is PLAIN TEXT.
> Many list members live in rural areas where they must download email via a
> dialup. Others live where they pay by the byte. Your email is nearly three
> times the size it needs to be, thanks to all the formatting.
> Please set your email software to send PLAIN TEXT. There's so much
> formatting
> in it that it's unreadable.
> 73,
> Jim K9YC
> --Original Message Text---
> From: Mark Spencer
> Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 05:05:36 -0800 (PST)
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
> boundary="0-1296860631-1231247136=:69853"
> --0-1296860631-1231247136=:69853
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Steve:=0A=0AWith regards to the center conductor expanding if it is cut
> aft=
> er removing the dielectric, I have noticed this with 9913F7 as
> well.=A0=A0=
> =A0 Is there=A0special tool or technique that can be used to minmize this
> ?=
> =0A=0ABest
> regards=0AMark=0AVE7AFZ=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A__________________________=
> ______=0AFrom: Steve Davis -Davis RF Co. <sdavis at davisrf.com>=0ATo: Roger
> (=
> K8RI) <K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net>=0ACc: mspencer12345 at yahoo.ca;
> towertalk at co=
> ntesting.com=0ASent: Monday, January 5, 2009 8:01:02 PM=0ASubject: Re:
> [Tow=
> erTalk] Crimper for Belden 9913 - Response DAVIS RF Co.=0A=0A=0AHi Roger,=
> =0A=0AThe ctr. cond. on LMR 400 (solid)=A0 and 400 UF (strnd'd)=A0 are
> both=
> .108; however, cutting the ctr cond of the stranded=A0 400 UF=A0 , AFTER
> r=
> emoving the dielectric will expand the OD....and sometimes dealing with
> the=
> stranding anyway will cause it to expand a bit .=0A=A0 Ref. whether=A0
> cri=
> mp pins vs. clamp pins are different:=A0 for the most part they are
> differe=
> nt, in the below around .500" OD cables; however, some mfrs. do have a few
> =
> sizes and types that they are the same.=0A=A0 Ref. soldering crimp type
> pin=
> s:=A0 in production modes, crimps are just crimped due to labor time/cost,
> =
> but in less than production line app's,=A0 I , and many before me,
> recommen=
> d a little added security (electrically and mechanically) by soldering the
> =
> center pin of crimp types, after crimping.=0A=A0 As many other things, "a
> l=
> ittle of everything is involved"... not cut and dry.=0ABottom line: for
> mos=
> t ham use, crimp or clamp:=A0 both are very good mechanically, when done
> ri=
> ght and not hard to do it right.=A0 =A0 Crimps are less aggravating and we
> =
> have excellent tools to use at less than $ 40 for the tool, $ 23.50 for
> mul=
> ti cable die, and this tool is one of few out there that will let you
> chang=
> e the die.=A0 I've used the best commercial production tools and this one
> i=
> s fine even for repeat production...ratchet release at proper torque on
> die=
> , etc.=0A=A0 And Roger, you are a testimony to a "satisfied crimping ham"=
> =A0 HI=0A=0A73,=A0 Steve ,=A0 K1PEK,=0A=0ADAVIS RF Co.,=A0 Div. of Orion
> Wi=
> re Co., Inc.=0A=0AWire, Cable, RF Connectors and wire aerial parts.=A0
> LMR,=
> Heliax, Eupen=0A=0ACommercial / Military / & Custom Cable
> Design=0A=0Atel:=
> =A0 978-369-1738=A0 =A0 Fax:=A0
> 978-369-3484=0Awww.DavisRF.com=0A=0A=0A=0A=
> =0A----- Original Message ----- From: "Roger (K8RI)"
> <K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.=
> net>=0ATo: "Steve Davis -Davis RF Co." <sdavis at davisrf.com>=0ACc:
> <towertal=
> k at contesting.com>=0ASent: Monday, January 05, 2009 9:49 PM=0ASubject: Re:
> [=
> TowerTalk] Crimper for Belden 9913 - Response DAVIS RF Co.=0A=0A=0A> =0A>
> A=
> thought here:=A0 I think he's talking about the flexible version with the
> =
> stranded center conductor which like the LMR-400UF is a bit larger than
> the=
> solid center conductor.=A0 Although I've always been able to get them to
> f=
> it into the standard center pins, it sometimes takes a bit of
> determination=
> and care.<:-))=0A> =0A> I've also noted an inconsistency in the crimp, Vs
> =
> Clamp descriptions.=A0 One supplier told me when I wanted crimp connectors
> =
> with solder center pins they were either one of the other, not a mix, but
> I=
> have a number of crimp connectors for LMR-600 that use center pins
> designe=
> d for soldering complete with the small solder hole drilled in the side.
> OT=
> OH even if the center pin is designed for crimping it can be soldered.=0A>
> =
> =0A> Between the die sets I have for RG-8/LMR-400/9913/9913F I have both
> 0.=
> 100 and 0.128, plus the tiny ones meant for 8X and 58 type cables.=0A>
> =0A>=
> Steve Davis -Davis RF Co. wrote:=0A>> Mark,=A0 One of my affiliates that
> d=
> oes=0A>> cable assembly/terminations indicates that the .128 is not a good
> =
> die to use, unless you tin the ctr conductor and find it to be a tight fit
> =
> after crimping. They tinn and then solder the center pin on.=A0 Finding
> the=
> .116 die and tool handle is possible but they don't know a source, other
> t=
> han what Amphenol is recommending, quite expensive I'm sure.=A0 Given that
> =
> you are not in "production" mode, taking the time to tin, crimp and solder
> =
> is certainly a thorough way of obtaining a good electric/mechanical
> connect=
> ion to either of these cables.=0A>>=A0 I think (?) that you had a
> follow-up=
> question, or that was somebody else... I will find that again later and
> an=
> swer it.=0A>> =0A>> =0A> One possibility for those who really insist on
> cri=
> mping the center conductor is to take a 0.100 die and "adjusting" it with
> a=
> small file to 0.116 which is only 0.016 larger...IE 16 thousandths of an
> i=
> nch isn't much.=A0 OTOH they'd want to make sure the new=A0 die is
> properly=
> marked, or identified.=0A> =0A> 73=0A> =0A> Roger (KI8RI)=0A> =0A> =0A>>
> 7=
> 3,=A0 Steve ,=A0 K1PEK,=0A>> =0A>> DAVIS RF Co.,=A0 Div. of Orion Wire
> Co.,=
> Inc.=0A>> =0A>> Wire, Cable, RF Connectors and wire aerial parts.=A0 LMR,
> =
> Heliax, Eupen=0A>> =0A>> Commercial / Military / & Custom Cable
> Design=0A>>=
> =0A>> tel:=A0 978-369-1738=A0 =A0 Fax:=A0 978-369-3484=0A>>
> www.DavisRF.co=
> m=0A>> =0A>> =0A>> =0A>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve
> Davis -D=
> avis RF Co." <sdavis at davisrf.com>=0A>> To: <towertalk at contesting.com>=0A>>
> =
> Cc: <mspencer12345 at yahoo.ca>=0A>> Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2009 1:26
> AM=0A=
>>> Subject: Crimper for Belden 9913 - Response DAVIS RF Co.=0A>> =0A>>
>>> =0A>=
>> =0A>>> Mark,=A0 Ctr. conductor size for 9913 and 9913F7 is .108", so
>> spec=
> 'g the .116 die makes sense.=A0 however, my crimper source indicates that
> t=
> heir .128" is the one to use for 9913.=A0 This may not be as odd as it
> soun=
> ds because the Belden spec can vary to +- .010, and I doubt it is on the
> mi=
> nus side.=A0 At any rate, I am checking with a reliable source on Monday
> to=
> see if the .128 will do the job well, I suspect so as my mfr. source for
> t=
> he crimper and die is a very good one.=A0 Will advise on Mon.=0A>>> =0A>>>
> =
> 73,=A0 Steve ,=A0 K1PEK,=0A>>> =0A>>> DAVIS RF Co.,=A0 Div. of Orion Wire
> C=
> o., Inc.=0A>>> =0A>>> Wire, Cable, RF Connectors and wire aerial parts.=A0
> =
> LMR, Heliax, Eupen=0A>>> =0A>>> Commercial / Military / & Custom Cable
> Desi=
> gn=0A>>> =0A>>> tel:=A0 978-369-1738=A0 =A0 Fax:=A0 978-369-3484=0A>>>
> www.=
> DavisRF.com=0A>>> =0A>>> =0A>>> =0A>>> Date: Sat, 3 Jan 2009
> 18:00:20 -0800=
> (PST)=0A>>> From: Mark Spencer <mspencer12345 at yahoo.ca>=0A>>> Subject:
> [To=
> werTalk] Crimper for Belden 9913=0A>>> To: towertalk at contesting.com=0A>>>
> M=
> essage-ID: <375680.81409.qm at web38802.mail.mud.yahoo.com>=0A>>>
> Content-Type=
> : text/plain; charset=3Diso-8859=0A>>> =0A>>> =0A>>> =0A>>> =0A>>> =0A>>>
> =
> =0A>>>> Sorry for a possibly off topic post, but I'm wondering if any one
> h=
> as any wisdom crimping N connectors onto Belden 9913F7 that they could
> shar=
> e with me.??=0A>>>> =0A>>>> According to the Amphenol web site
> http://www.a=
> mphenolrf.com/pdf/283.pdf?the center pin for Amphenol 9913 conectors needs
> =
> to be crimped with a .116 inch die.?? I've looked high and low for a .116
> i=
> nch die for my crimper and can't find one, I do have a .128 inch die and
> ac=
> cording to the RF parts web site that is the appropiate size for crimping
> 9=
>913 center pins.??? (The crimp for the outer connector seems to be?a
> .429 inch size.)=0A>>>> =0A>>>> Google searches for .116 inch dies and
> cri=
> mpers are not turning anything up either.=0A>>>> =0A>>>> I'm wondering if
> t=
> he amphenol connectors need a different size crimper than other common
> conn=
> ectors ???? I've always had good results using amphenol brand connectors
> an=
> d would like to use them going forwards.=0A>>>> =0A>>>> I've seen several
> o=
> ther crimpers advertised for crimping 9913 connectors but they don't
> specif=
> y the die sizes.? I'm reluctant to order one with out knowing what the die
> =
> sizes are.=0A>>>> =0A>>>> Does any one have any practical experience they
> c=
> an share with me about crimping N connectors to Belden 9913F7 cable ???
> I'd=
> really like to use crimp style connectors going forwards but I want to
> mak=
> e sure I crimp them properly.=0A>>>> =0A>>>> 73's=0A>>>> =0A>>>>
> Mark=0A>>>=
>> VE7AFZ=0A>>>> =0A>>>> =0A>>>> =0A>>>> =0A>> =0A>>
>> _______________________=
> ________________________=0A>> =0A>> =0A>> =0A>>
> ___________________________=
> ____________________=0A>> TowerTalk mailing list=0A>>
> TowerTalk at contesting.=
> com=0A>> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/towertalk=0A>> =0A>>
> =
> =0A> =0A> =0A=0A=0A
> __________________________________________________=
> ________________=0ABe smarter than spam. See how smart SpamGuard is at
> givi=
> ng junk email the boot with the All-new Yahoo! Mail. Click on Options in
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> ail and switch to New Mail today or register for free at
> http://mail.yahoo.=
> ca
> --0-1296860631-1231247136=:69853
> Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
> Steve:
> With regards to the center conductor expanding if it is cut after removing
> the
> dielectric, I have noticed this with 9913F7 as well. Is there special
> tool
> or technique that can be used to minmize this ?
> Best regards
> Mark
> From: Steve Davis -Davis RF Co. <sdavis at davisrf.com>
> To: Roger (K8RI) <K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net>
> Cc: mspencer12345 at yahoo.ca; towertalk at contesting.com
> Sent: Monday, January 5, 2009 8:01:02 PM
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Crimper for Belden 9913 - Response DAVIS RF Co.
> Hi Roger,
> The ctr. cond. on LMR 400 (solid) and 400 UF (strnd'd) are both .108;
> however, cutting the ctr cond of the stranded 400
> UF , AFTER removing the dielectric will expand the OD....and sometimes
> dealing with the stranding anyway will cause it to
> expand a bit .
> Ref. whether crimp pins vs. clamp pins are different: for the most part
> they are different, in the below around .500" OD
> cables; however, some mfrs. do have a few sizes and types that they are
> the same.
> Ref. soldering crimp type pins: in production modes, crimps are just
> crimped due to labor time/cost, but in less than
> production line app's, I , and many before me, recommend a little added
> security (electrically and mechanically) by
> soldering the center pin of crimp types, after crimping.
> As many other things, "a little of everything is involved"... not cut and
> dry.
> Bottom line: for most ham use, crimp or clamp: both are very good
> mechanically, when done right and not hard to do it
> right. Crimps are less aggravating and we have excellent tools to use
> at less than $ 40 for the tool, $ 23.50 for multi
> cable die, and this tool is one of few out there that will let you change
> the die. I've used the best commercial production
> tools and this one is fine even for repeat production...ratchet release at
> proper torque on die, etc.
> And Roger, you are a testimony to a "satisfied crimping ham" HI
> 73, Steve , K1PEK,
> DAVIS RF Co., Div. of Orion Wire Co., Inc.
> Wire, Cable, RF Connectors and wire aerial parts. LMR, Heliax, Eupen
> Commercial / Military / & Custom Cable Design
> tel: 978-369-1738 Fax: 978-369-3484
> www.DavisRF.com
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Roger (K8RI)"
> <K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net>
> To: "Steve Davis -Davis RF Co." <sdavis at davisrf.com>
> Cc: <towertalk at contesting.com>
> Sent: Monday, January 05, 2009 9:49 PM
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Crimper for Belden 9913 - Response DAVIS RF Co.
>> A thought here: I think he's talking about the flexible version with the
>> stranded center conductor which like the LMR-
> 400UF is a bit larger than the solid center conductor. Although I've
> always been able to get them to fit into the standard
> center pins, it sometimes takes a bit of determination and care.<:-))
>> I've also noted an inconsistency in the crimp, Vs Clamp descriptions.
>> One supplier told me when I wanted crimp
> connectors with solder center pins they were either one of the other, not
> a mix, but I have a number of crimp connectors
> for LMR-600 that use center pins designed for soldering complete with the
> small solder hole drilled in the side. OTOH even
> if the center pin is designed for crimping it can be soldered.
>> Between the die sets I have for RG-8/LMR-400/9913/9913F I have both 0.100
>> and 0.128, plus the tiny ones meant for 8X
> and 58 type cables.
>> Steve Davis -Davis RF Co. wrote:
>>> Mark, One of my affiliates that does
>>> cable assembly/terminations indicates that the .128 is not a good die to
>>> use, unless you tin the ctr conductor and find it
> to be a tight fit after crimping. They tinn and then solder the center pin
> on. Finding the .116 die and tool handle is possible
> but they don't know a source, other than what Amphenol is recommending,
> quite expensive I'm sure. Given that you are
> not in "production" mode, taking the time to tin, crimp and solder is
> certainly a thorough way of obtaining a good
> electric/mechanical connection to either of these cables.
>>> I think (?) that you had a follow-up question, or that was somebody
>>> else... I will find that again later and answer it.
>> One possibility for those who really insist on crimping the center
>> conductor is to take a 0.100 die and "adjusting" it with a
> small file to 0.116 which is only 0.016 larger...IE 16 thousandths of an
> inch isn't much. OTOH they'd want to make sure
> the new die is properly marked, or identified.
>> 73
>> Roger (KI8RI)
>>> 73, Steve , K1PEK,
>>> DAVIS RF Co., Div. of Orion Wire Co., Inc.
>>> Wire, Cable, RF Connectors and wire aerial parts. LMR, Heliax, Eupen
>>> Commercial / Military / & Custom Cable Design
>>> tel: 978-369-1738 Fax: 978-369-3484
>>> www.DavisRF.com
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Davis -Davis RF Co."
>>> <sdavis at davisrf.com>
>>> To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
>>> Cc: <mspencer12345 at yahoo.ca>
>>> Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2009 1:26 AM
>>> Subject: Crimper for Belden 9913 - Response DAVIS RF Co.
>>>> Mark, Ctr. conductor size for 9913 and 9913F7 is .108", so spec'g the
>>>> .116 die makes sense. however, my crimper
> source indicates that their .128" is the one to use for 9913. This may
> not be as odd as it sounds because the Belden spec
> can vary to +- .010, and I doubt it is on the minus side. At any rate, I
> am checking with a reliable source on Monday to see
> if the .128 will do the job well, I suspect so as my mfr. source for the
> crimper and die is a very good one. Will advise on
> Mon.
>>>> 73, Steve , K1PEK,
>>>> DAVIS RF Co., Div. of Orion Wire Co., Inc.
>>>> Wire, Cable, RF Connectors and wire aerial parts. LMR, Heliax, Eupen
>>>> Commercial / Military / & Custom Cable Design
>>>> tel: 978-369-1738 Fax: 978-369-3484
>>>> www.DavisRF.com
>>>> Date: Sat, 3 Jan 2009 18:00:20 -0800 (PST)
>>>> From: Mark Spencer <mspencer12345 at yahoo.ca>
>>>> Subject: [TowerTalk] Crimper for Belden 9913
>>>> To: towertalk at contesting.com
>>>> Message-ID: <375680.81409.qm at web38802.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859
>>>>> Sorry for a possibly off topic post, but I'm wondering if any one has
>>>>> any wisdom crimping N connectors onto Belden
> 9913F7 that they could share with me.??
>>>>> According to the Amphenol web site
>>>>> http://www.amphenolrf.com/pdf/283.pdf?the center pin for Amphenol 9913
> conectors needs to be crimped with a .116 inch die.?? I've looked high and
> low for a .116 inch die for my crimper and can't
> find one, I do have a .128 inch die and according to the RF parts web site
> that is the appropiate size for crimping 9913
> center pins.??? (The crimp for the outer connector seems to be?a common
> .429 inch size.)
>>>>> Google searches for .116 inch dies and crimpers are not turning
>>>>> anything up either.
>>>>> I'm wondering if the amphenol connectors need a different size crimper
>>>>> than other common connectors ???? I've
> always had good results using amphenol brand connectors and would like to
> use them going forwards.
>>>>> I've seen several other crimpers advertised for crimping 9913
>>>>> connectors but they don't specify the die sizes.? I'm
> reluctant to order one with out knowing what the die sizes are.
>>>>> Does any one have any practical experience they can share with me
>>>>> about crimping N connectors to Belden 9913F7
> cable ??? I'd really like to use crimp style connectors going forwards but
> I want to make sure I crimp them properly.
>>>>> 73's
>>>>> Mark
>>>>> VE7AFZ
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>>> TowerTalk mailing list
>>> TowerTalk at contesting.com
>>> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/towertalk
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> --0-1296860631-1231247136=:69853--
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