[TowerTalk] Antenna Analyzer Suggestions Solicited

Phil & Debbie Salas dpsalas at tx.rr.com
Fri Mar 6 03:44:43 PST 2009

"Just triggered a nit pick hot button for me... "lab-grade"... what EXACTLY 
does that mean?"

Well, to me it means similar in accuracy to the kind of equipment I used in 
the RF lab back in my working days.  If you take a look at the ARRL review, 
they found the AMI4170 to have "exceptional" accuracy comnpared it to their 
Agilent 4291B impedance analyzer.  And they also went back and re-checked 
their reference loads because the AIM4170 was giving better results than the 
Agilent at some impedances.

For what it does and for the types of measurements I make, I consider the 
AIM4170 to be "lab grade".  But maybe my definition isn't accurate.  I have 
been wrong before (at least that's what my XYL says)!

Phil - AD5X 

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