[TowerTalk] antennas in fresh water

Craig Clark jcclark at radiusnorth.net
Thu Nov 12 12:42:23 PST 2009

There was a short discussion a while ago on whether a vertical was better
ground mounted fed against ground radials or up in the air fed against
resonant radials. The general consensus was that 'up in the air' was better
- but that is directly contrary to my experience.

The only thing different about my situation is that I have several verticals
very close to the edge of a large fresh water lake. They work better than
similar verticals several hundred feet from the lake, and better than
verticals up in the air.

Conventional wisdom has it that as the conductivity of fresh water is quite
low, it should make no difference at all - but it seems that in my case it
does. I have a couple of hypotheses and would welcome comments:

(1) The soil in this area is pretty poor with rock a foot or two below the
surface everywhere. Anything must be better than that - but surely a large
ground system would negate that.

(2) The surface of the lake is pretty flat (:-) so that there is a good
first reflection - better than that from rocks and trees. ('My' lake is
north of my property, and as I am on a bit of a promontory covers rather
more than 180 degrees.)

Any thoughts?

73 Roger


My 160 vertical his lived for 30 years in a freshwater swamp with 10,000' of
radials under it. The soil is sandy clay with ledge anywhere from 6-15'
down. I placed it there for esthetics as it was hidden from the house by the
forest. Well, the forest has been thinned by loggers and an ice storm. The
beauty of the location is it is out of foot traffic and 250' from the house.
I'd much rather be closer to the ocean but have to make do with what I have.
I think the key to any vertical is ensure you have an adequate radial system
under it regardless of where it is placed. 

I have never favored the "fed up in the air with raised radials" due to the
mechanical problems in keeping the system up. K1ZFE did one years ago and
was always out repairing them it seemed. Add deer, moose, hunters,
snowmobiles and you have a nightmare. 

Of course, YMMV. 

73 Craig

Craig Clark K1QX
PO Box 209
Rindge NH 03461
603 899 6957 





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