[TowerTalk] Vertical dipoles

John Tait johnei7ba at eircom.net
Wed Nov 18 03:14:11 PST 2009

The antenna is an "off-centre fed, capacity hatted, vertical 
dipole"...   Try saying that after fifteen pints..{:o)
     John EI7BA

Jim Brown wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Nov 2009 23:29:19 -0500, Ian Hill - K8MM wrote:
>> Vertical dipoles are good low band antennas.
> Hold on a minute -- I think we are talking about very different 
> antennas. :) I have a top-loaded vertical (some would call it a 
> monopole) for 160M that works a treat, but it is not a DIPOLE. It's 
> an 86 ft vertical wire with a horizontal piece on top to bring it to 
> resonance, and it works against radials (to carry the current and 
> provide a path for the fields). 
> A vertical half wave DIPOLE behaves VERY differently from a vertical 
> monopole. The top half and bottom half of a vertical dipole both 
> radiate, and together form a complete antenna. The vertical part of 
> a monopole needs radials (or a counterpoise) to form a complete 
> antenna, and to the extent that they are symmetrical, the radiation 
> from the radials cancells in the far field. 
> 73,
> Jim K9YC
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