[TowerTalk] cutting phasing lines

vk3pa at vk3pa.com vk3pa at vk3pa.com
Sun Apr 11 15:18:30 PDT 2010

Gdy all, my Q is I need to cut phasing lines for 7.050 Mhz of 84  
degrees es 71 degrees! ok So far,  now 360 degrees = 1 wave length, so  
0.5 wavelrngth (=180 degrees) would be 468/freq /vf es / by 180 would  
be 1 degree so x by required degrees  eg 84 es 71  ok ! so now how do  
I convert 84 es 71 degrees to a frequency so I can cut the lines WITH  
my antenna bridge rx vector analyst autek VA1?? OR AM i  WAY OFF IN MY  
THINKING!! 73 es tnx Al vk3pa

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