April 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Apr 1 00:00:15 PDT 2010
Ending: Fri Apr 30 19:43:36 PDT 2010
Messages: 1002
- [TowerTalk] Fall Arrest & Safety Equipment
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] coax stubs /bandpass filter
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Moving big rocks
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Cutting a section of tower
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Cutting a section of tower
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Cutting a section of tower
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Distance from an airport and tower height
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Distance from an airport and tower height
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Distance from an airport and tower height
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Distance from an airport and tower height
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Whidbey noise, Tower, NAS Whidbey
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] HyGain AV640 Toroid core mix, or Beefing up an AV640
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] HyGain AV640 Toroid core mix, or Beefing up an AV640
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] FAA at Mil bases
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Yet another Hazer Guying Question
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Yet another Hazer Guying Question
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Yet another Hazer Guying Question
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Hazer replys
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Yet another Hazer Guying Question
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 25G Tower Help
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 25G Tower Help
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Tailtwister Rotor Rehab Question
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Alfa Spid rotators info-NAFTA
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Tailtwister Rotor Rehab Question
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Tailtwister Rotor Rehab Question
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Tailtwister Rotor Rehab Question
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Tailtwister Rotor Rehab Question
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Tailtwister Rotor Rehab Question
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Coax
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Coax
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Coax
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] dxengineering U-bolts froze??
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Coax
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Gin Pole Rope
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Measuring Guy Positions
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Rotor on the verge of failure? - Follow up
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Rotor on the verge of failure? - Follow up
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Finally got the tri-bander down
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Freestanding tower, narrow city lot
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Freestanding tower, narrow city lot
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Wonder if this will support a Monster SteppIR?
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] 7-16 Din?
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] 7-16 Din?
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Stripping LMR-600
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] TB-3 info needed
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Stripping LMR-600
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Tilt Up Tower
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Tower Base In Concrete
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Belden 8267
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Tower Base In Concrete
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 88, Issue 99
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Gap Challenger Comparison Testing Studies
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was Gap Challenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Freestanding tower, narrow city lot
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Over posting
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Belden 8267
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Overposting
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Overposting
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] TV antennas on HF towers
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Digging holes for anchor rods
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] US Tower damaged by lightning
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] US Tower damaged by lightning
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] US Tower damaged by lightning
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] US Tower damaged by lightning
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Lightning Damage and Insurance
Roger (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] Gap Challenger Comparison Testing Studies,
Ray Higgins (W2RE)
- [TowerTalk] XM-240 question
Tod -MN
- [TowerTalk] XM-240 question
Tod -MN
- [TowerTalk] Moving big rocks
Dave - AB7E
- [TowerTalk] Hygain TH-6DX
- [TowerTalk] Hygain TH-6DX
- [TowerTalk] Hygain TH-6DX
- [TowerTalk] dxengineering U-bolts froze??
- [TowerTalk] dxengineering U-bolts froze??
- [TowerTalk] dxengineering U-bolts froze??
- [TowerTalk] Hygain 18AVT trap for 20mtr/40mtr
- [TowerTalk] Hygain 18AVT trap for 20mtr/40mtr
- [TowerTalk] Hygain 18AVT trap for 20mtr/40mtr
- [TowerTalk] Hygain 18AVT trap for 20mtr/40mtr
- [TowerTalk] dxengineering U-bolts froze??
- [TowerTalk] Hygain 18AVT trap for 20mtr/40mtr
- [TowerTalk] Hygain 18AVT trap for 20mtr/40mtr
- [TowerTalk] Hygain 18AVT trap for 20mtr/40mtr
- [TowerTalk] Hygain 18AVT trap for 20mtr/40mtr
- [TowerTalk] Gin Pole Rope
- [TowerTalk] Freestanding tower, narrow city lot
- [TowerTalk] Stripping LMR-600
Tommy Alderman
- [TowerTalk] Stripping LMR-600
Tommy Alderman
- [TowerTalk] OR2800 rotor cable
Tommy Alderman
- [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 88, Issue 107
Tommy Alderman
- [TowerTalk] Digging holes for anchor rods
Tommy Alderman
- [TowerTalk] Digging holes for anchor rods
Tommy Alderman
- [TowerTalk] TH6 dissimilar metals query
Bob Alexander
- [TowerTalk] parts for a 40-2CD
John Ammeter
- [TowerTalk] Where should the nuts go?
John Ammeter
- [TowerTalk] Tailtwister Rotor Rehab Question
F.R. Ashley
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
F.R. Ashley
- [TowerTalk] Orion simple question
F.R. Ashley
- [TowerTalk] Gap Challenger Comparison Testing Studies
Christopher Atkins
- [TowerTalk] Gap Challenger Comparison Testing Studies
Christopher Atkins
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Christopher Atkins
- [TowerTalk] Telescoping TV Mast Installation questions
Rob Atkinson
- [TowerTalk] Rotor on the verge of failure?
Bill Aycock
- [TowerTalk] N or PL259
Bill Aycock
- [TowerTalk] N or PL259
Bill Aycock
- [TowerTalk] Cap for Brake delay unit.
Bill Aycock
- [TowerTalk] Gap Challenger Comparison Testing Studies
Bill Aycock
- [TowerTalk] Over posting
Bill Aycock
- [TowerTalk] Freestanding tower, narrow city lot
- [TowerTalk] RCS-8 as a StackMatch---How?
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
Steve Bagley
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors
Steve Bagley
- [TowerTalk] Tower Base In Concrete
Steve Bagley
- [TowerTalk] Surplus Hardline SOurce?
Michael Baker
- [TowerTalk] N or PL259
Larry Banks
- [TowerTalk] Change to list replies
Nate Bargmann
- [TowerTalk] Freestanding tower, narrow city lot
- [TowerTalk] Freestanding tower, narrow city lot
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
Ken Boasi
- [TowerTalk] Whidbey noise, Tower, NAS Whidbey
Bob Bogash
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 45-tilt over
Kathy Bookmiller
- [TowerTalk] US Tower damaged by lightning
Dan Bookwalter
- [TowerTalk] (no subject)
Blake Bowers
- [TowerTalk] Tower Lighting
Blake Bowers
- [TowerTalk] Tower Lighting
Blake Bowers
- [TowerTalk] Can motorized crank up's be manually
Breon, Roy
- [TowerTalk] Can motorized crank up's be manually
Breon, Roy
- [TowerTalk] Moving big rocks
Jack Brindle
- [TowerTalk] TB-3 info needed
Tony Brock-Fisher
- [TowerTalk] Shack Wiring (Epilogue)
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Yaesu Rotor Light Bulb
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Yaesu Rotor Light Bulb
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Yaesu Rotor Light Bulb
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Fwd: Fw: SBE Legislative Alert
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 25G Tower Help
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Coax
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Coax
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Coax
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Telescoping TV Mast Installation questions
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] 2 element quad on a 17.5' roof tower?
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] 7-16 Din?
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] HFTA
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] OR2800 rotor cable
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] OR2800 rotor cable
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] OR2800 rotor cable
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] OR2800 rotor cable
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Field Day Antennas - Multiband Vee-Beam?
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] HFTA and diferent bands antennas
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] HFTA
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Belden 8267
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] TV antennas on HF towers
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Digging holes for anchor rods
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Digging holes for anchor rods
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Lightning Protection Methods
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Tower Lighting
Larry Burke
- [TowerTalk] Hygain 18AVT trap for 20mtr/40mtr
- [TowerTalk] stacking antenna systems - WX0B & Comtek
Jorge Diez - CX6VM
- [TowerTalk] stacking antenna systems - WX0B & Comtek
Jorge Diez - CX6VM
- [TowerTalk] stacking antenna systems - WX0B & Comtek
Jorge Diez - CX6VM
- [TowerTalk] parts for a 40-2CD
Jorge Diez - CX6VM
- [TowerTalk] parts for a 40-2CD
Jorge Diez - CX6VM
- [TowerTalk] about towers guys
Jorge Diez - CX6VM
- [TowerTalk] HFTA Type Data Outside of North America?
Jorge Diez - CX6VM
- [TowerTalk] HFTA Type Data Outside of North America?
Jorge Diez - CX6VM
- [TowerTalk] HFTA and diferent bands antennas
Jorge Diez - CX6VM
- [TowerTalk] HFTA and diferent bands antennas
Jorge Diez - CX6VM
- [TowerTalk] HIGH SWR because of loops between amp and wattimeter
Jorge Diez - CX6VM
- [TowerTalk] HFTA support
Jorge Diez - CX6VM
- [TowerTalk] HFTA support
Jorge Diez - CX6VM
- [TowerTalk] HFTA support
Jorge Diez - CX6VM
- [TowerTalk] HFTA support
Jorge Diez - CX6VM
- [TowerTalk] HIGH SWR because of loops between amp and wattimeter
Jorge Diez - CX6VM
- [TowerTalk] Spanish on list
Jorge Diez - CX6VM
- [TowerTalk] Fall Arrest & Safety Equipment
D Calder
- [TowerTalk] Moving big rocks
D Calder
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 25G Tower Help
D Calder
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 25G Tower Help
D Calder
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 25G Tower Help
D Calder
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
D Calder
- [TowerTalk] Coax
D Calder
- [TowerTalk] Freestanding tower, narrow city lot
D Calder
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors
D Calder
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors
D Calder
- [TowerTalk] Tower Lighting
D Calder
- [TowerTalk] Tower Lighting
D Calder
- [TowerTalk] Yet another Hazer Guying Question
Neal Campbell
- [TowerTalk] Yet another Hazer Guying Question
Neal Campbell
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and
Jon Casamajor
- [TowerTalk] HFTA Type Data Outside of North America?
Felipe Ceglia
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors
Jim Chaggaris
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
Jim Chaggaris
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Jim Chaggaris
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Jim Chaggaris
- [TowerTalk] Adivce Using Irrigation Pipe
Phil Chambley
- [TowerTalk] Stacking Beams
- [TowerTalk] 2 element quad on a 17.5' roof tower?
- [TowerTalk] Need a bit of help fairly pricing an AB-577
- [TowerTalk] Shack Wiring (Epilogue)
Paul Christensen
- [TowerTalk] L.G. Windom
Paul Christensen
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
- [TowerTalk] coax
Craig Clark
- [TowerTalk] 7/16 din
Craig Clark
- [TowerTalk] Over posting
Craig Clark
- [TowerTalk] Overposting
Craig Clark
- [TowerTalk] Windom
Craig Clark
- [TowerTalk] lightning protection book
Craig Clark
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
RT Clay
- [TowerTalk] Hygain 18AVT trap for 20mtr/40mtr
John E. Cleeve
- [TowerTalk] Spectral Analyzer
John E. Cleeve
- [TowerTalk] Hygain 18AVT trap for 20mtr/40mtr
John E. Cleeve
- [TowerTalk] Hygain 18AVT trap for 20mtr/40mtr
John E. Cleeve
- [TowerTalk] Hygain 18AVT trap for 20mtr/40mtr
John E. Cleeve
- [TowerTalk] Cushcraft Thunderbird traps.
John E. Cleeve
- [TowerTalk] Freestanding tower, narrow city lot
John E. Cleeve
- [TowerTalk] US Tower damaged by lightning
John E. Cleeve
- [TowerTalk] The Art and Science of Lightning Protection. Uman.
John E. Cleeve
- [TowerTalk] HyGain T2X parts
Timothy Coker
- [TowerTalk] C31XR, XM240, A3WS, EZNec models?
Timothy Coker
- [TowerTalk] Tailtwister Rotor Rehab Question
Timothy Coker
- [TowerTalk] Tailtwister Rotor Rehab Question
Timothy Coker
- [TowerTalk] Tailtwister Rotor Rehab Question
Timothy Coker
- [TowerTalk] Stacking Beams
Timothy Coker
- [TowerTalk] TV antennas on HF towers
Charles Coldwell
- [TowerTalk] HFTA Type Data Outside of North America?
Billy Cox
- [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 88, Issue 107
Tom Cox
- [TowerTalk] Spanish-language conversation on baluns, antennas
Tom Cox
- [TowerTalk] 7-16 Din
- [TowerTalk] 7-16 Din
- [TowerTalk] US Tower Local Control problem
- [TowerTalk] Hygain 18AVT trap for 20mtr/40mtr
- [TowerTalk] M2's NEW HF Logs...
Dino Darling
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors N's ands UHF's source - DAVIS RF
Stephen Davis
- [TowerTalk] Connector Installation Guide
Stephen Davis
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Dick Dievendorff
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Dick Dievendorff
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Dick Dievendorff
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Dick Dievendorff
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Dick Dievendorff
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Dick Dievendorff
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Dick Dievendorff
- [TowerTalk] FAA at Mil bases
Dick Dievendorff
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
Dick Dievendorff
- [TowerTalk] dxengineering U-bolts froze??
- [TowerTalk] dxengineering U-bolts froze??
Dubovsky, George
- [TowerTalk] dxengineering U-bolts froze??
Dubovsky, George
- [TowerTalk] Cap for Brake delay unit.
Norm Duxbury
- [TowerTalk] Cutting a section of tower
Ed Swiderski, KU4BP
- [TowerTalk] Cutting a section of tower
Ed Swiderski, KU4BP
- [TowerTalk] Tri-Ex W-51 / WT-51
Larry Essary
- [TowerTalk] Tri-Ex LM-470
Larry Essary
- [TowerTalk] HyGain T2X parts
John Farber
- [TowerTalk] Stuck Tower-US Towers 472MDP-Solution Found
John Farber
- [TowerTalk] stuck US towers 472MDP solution
John Farber
- [TowerTalk] US Towers 472MDP won't raise from the LOCAL (base of tower) location
John Farber
- [TowerTalk] Stripping LMR-600
W0MU Mike Fatchett
- [TowerTalk] Tower Lighting
W0MU Mike Fatchett
- [TowerTalk] Surplus Hardline SOurce?
Bill Fikis
- [TowerTalk] Gap Challenger Comparison Testing Studies
Bill Fikis
- [TowerTalk] Alfa Spid rotators info
Gregory Fischer
- [TowerTalk] Belden 8267
Jim Forsyth
- [TowerTalk] FAA at Mil bases
Barry Fox
- [TowerTalk] TH6 dissimilar metals query
Barry Fox
- [TowerTalk] dissimilar metals query
Barry Fox
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
Alfred Frugoli
- [TowerTalk] Gap Challenger Comparison Testing Studies
Alfred Frugoli
- [TowerTalk] Wanted: CDE AR-22 Rotor Control Box
Alan Fryer
- [TowerTalk] Fw: TH-6DX/6 meters
Gene Fuller
- [TowerTalk] Fw: Prop Pitch Motor Power Supply
Gene Fuller
- [TowerTalk] Fw: Prop Pitch Motor Power Supply
Gene Fuller
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
Gene Fuller
- [TowerTalk] Coax
Gene Fuller
- [TowerTalk] Hygain 18AVT trap for 20mtr/40mtr
Gene Fuller
- [TowerTalk] Measuring Guy Positions
Gene Fuller
- [TowerTalk] Rotor on the verge of failure? - Follow up
Gene Fuller
- [TowerTalk] dxengineering U-bolts froze??
Ian White GM3SEK
- [TowerTalk] dxengineering U-bolts froze??
Ian White GM3SEK
- [TowerTalk] 7-16 Din?
Ian White GM3SEK
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Ian White GM3SEK
- [TowerTalk] Field Day Antennas - Multiband Vee-Beam?
Steve GW4BLE
- [TowerTalk] Field Day Antennas - Multiband Vee-Beam?
Steve GW4BLE
- [TowerTalk] Moving big rocks
Charles Gallo
- [TowerTalk] Can motorized crank up's be manually lowered...when power is out ?
Charlie Gallo
- [TowerTalk] Yaesu Rotor Light Bulb
Charlie Gallo
- [TowerTalk] Tailtwister Rotor Rehab Question
Charlie Gallo
- [TowerTalk] dxengineering U-bolts froze??
Charlie Gallo
- [TowerTalk] Tower Lighting
Charlie Gallo
- [TowerTalk] V beam leg lengths
Chuck Gerarden
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Michael Germino
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Michael Germino
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
David Gilbert
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
David Gilbert
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
David Gilbert
- [TowerTalk] Field Day Antennas - Multiband Vee-Beam?
David Gilbert
- [TowerTalk] HFTA and diferent bands antennas
David Gilbert
- [TowerTalk] HFTA and diferent bands antennas
David Gilbert
- [TowerTalk] HFTA and diferent bands antennas
David Gilbert
- [TowerTalk] Spanish-language conversation on baluns, antennas
David Gilbert
- [TowerTalk] US Tower damaged by lightning
David Gilbert
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Bill Gillenwater
- [TowerTalk] Moving big rocks
Ed Gilliland
- [TowerTalk] Moving Big Rocks
Ed Gilliland
- [TowerTalk] Spectral Analyzer
Daniel Glanc
- [TowerTalk] Moving big rocks
Michael Goins
- [TowerTalk] 2 element quad on a 17.5' roof tower?
Michael Goins
- [TowerTalk] Surplus Hardline SOurce?
Michael Goins
- [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 88, Issue 107
Michael Goins
- [TowerTalk] Digging holes for anchor rods
Michael Goins
- [TowerTalk] Digging holes for anchor rods
Michael Goins
- [TowerTalk] Need a bit of help fairly pricing an AB-577
Michael Goins
- [TowerTalk] Andrew 1 5/8 hardline
Jeff Goldman
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 45 Guy Anchor Positions
David J. Sourdis - HK1A
- [TowerTalk] about towers guys
David J. Sourdis - HK1A
- [TowerTalk] Alfa Spid rotators info
David J. Sourdis - HK1A
- [TowerTalk] Alfa Spid rotators info
David J. Sourdis - HK1A
- [TowerTalk] V beam leg lengths
David J. Sourdis - HK1A
- [TowerTalk] Measuring Guy Positions
David J. Sourdis - HK1A
- [TowerTalk] 1/4 wave vertical question
David J. Sourdis - HK1A
- [TowerTalk] HFTA
David J. Sourdis - HK1A
- [TowerTalk] HFTA - Thank you
David J. Sourdis - HK1A
- [TowerTalk] HIGH SWR because of loops between amp and wattimeter
David J. Sourdis - HK1A
- [TowerTalk] Spanish-language conversation on baluns, antennas
David J. Sourdis - HK1A
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
Tom Haavisto
- [TowerTalk] Hygain TH-6DX
Jim Hargrave
- [TowerTalk] Fw: Prop Pitch Motor Power Supply
Jim Hargrave
- [TowerTalk] Fw: Prop Pitch Motor Power Supply
Jim Hargrave
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Jim Hargrave
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Jim Hargrave
- [TowerTalk] HyGain T2X parts
Dave Harmon
- [TowerTalk] Cushcraft R7000 Problems
James Harris
- [TowerTalk] Distance from an airport and tower height
Neil & Heather
- [TowerTalk] Distance from an airport and tower height
Neil & Heather
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Neil & Heather
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Neil & Heather
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Neil & Heather
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Neil & Heather
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Neil & Heather
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Neil & Heather
- [TowerTalk] AB-577
Neil & Heather
- [TowerTalk] AB-577
Neil & Heather
- [TowerTalk] Force12 C19XR
Neil & Heather
- [TowerTalk] Fwd: Re: Force12 C19XR
Neil & Heather
- [TowerTalk] Fwd: RE: Force12 C19XR
Neil & Heather
- [TowerTalk] Re Force12 C19XR
Neil & Heather
- [TowerTalk] Re Force12 C19XR
Neil & Heather
- [TowerTalk] FW: Re Force12 C19XR
Neil & Heather
- [TowerTalk] FW: Re Force12 C19XR
Neil & Heather
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Richard Hill
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
W2RU - Bud Hippisley
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 25G Tower Help
W2RU - Bud Hippisley
- [TowerTalk] Green Heron Baud Rate
W2RU - Bud Hippisley
- [TowerTalk] Spanish-language conversation on baluns, antennas
W2RU - Bud Hippisley
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 25G Tower Help
Chuck Hogg
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 25G Tower Help
Chuck Hogg
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 25G Tower Help
Chuck Hogg
- [TowerTalk] Need a bit of help fairly pricing an AB-577
Grant Hopper
- [TowerTalk] dxengineering U-bolts froze??
Lyle Hornbaker
- [TowerTalk] Quad balun needed
Tom Horton
- [TowerTalk] Re Force12 C19XR
Natan Huffman
- [TowerTalk] FW: Re Force12 C19XR
Natan Huffman
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
Steve Hunt
- [TowerTalk] 1/4 wave vertical question
Steve Hunt
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
J. Gordon Beattie, Jr., W2TTT
- [TowerTalk] Hygain TH-6DX
- [TowerTalk] Can motorized crank up's be manually
- [TowerTalk] Distance from an airport and tower height
- [TowerTalk] Alfa Spid rotators info
- [TowerTalk] Alfa Spid rotators info-NAFTA
- [TowerTalk] Wonder if this will support a Monster SteppIR?
- [TowerTalk] cutting phasing lines
- [TowerTalk] cutting phasing lines
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
Ryan Jairam
- [TowerTalk] dxengineering U-bolts froze??
Ryan Jairam
- [TowerTalk] Coax
Ryan Jairam
- [TowerTalk] Coax
Ryan Jairam
- [TowerTalk] Freestanding tower, narrow city lot
Ryan Jairam
- [TowerTalk] Freestanding tower, narrow city lot
Ryan Jairam
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors
Ryan Jairam
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors
Ryan Jairam
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors
Ryan Jairam
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors
Ryan Jairam
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors
Ryan Jairam
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors
Ryan Jairam
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors
Ryan Jairam
- [TowerTalk] Surplus Hardline SOurce?
Ryan Jairam
- [TowerTalk] Orion simple question
Ryan Jairam
- [TowerTalk] TV antennas on HF towers
Ryan Jairam
- [TowerTalk] TV antennas on HF towers
Ryan Jairam
- [TowerTalk] TV antennas on HF towers
Ryan Jairam
- [TowerTalk] US Towers 472MDP won't raise from the LOCAL (baseof tower) l...
Eugene Jensen
- [TowerTalk] RCS-8 as a StackMatch---How?
Joe Subich, W4TV
- [TowerTalk] RCS-8 as a StackMatch---How?
Joe Subich, W4TV
- [TowerTalk] stacking antenna systems - WX0B & Comtek
Joe Subich, W4TV
- [TowerTalk] HFTA Type Data Outside of North America?
Joe Subich, W4TV
- [TowerTalk] Will-Burt pneumatic mast repair
Joe Subich, W4TV
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Joe Subich, W4TV
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Joe Subich, W4TV
- [TowerTalk] Spanish-language conversation on baluns, antennas
Joe Subich, W4TV
- [TowerTalk] Spanish-language conversation on baluns, antennas
Joe Subich, W4TV
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Joe Subich, W4TV
- [TowerTalk] Spanish-language conversation on baluns, antennas
Joe Subich, W4TV
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Joe Subich, W4TV
- [TowerTalk] Yaesu G 1000 DXA Rotor
Dayle Johnson
- [TowerTalk] Stripping LMR-600
Gary E. Jones
- [TowerTalk] Will-Burt pneumatic mast repair
David Jordan
- [TowerTalk] Will-Burt pneumatic mast repair
David Jordan
- [TowerTalk] TB-3 info needed
David Jordan
- [TowerTalk] Spanish-language conversation on baluns, antennas
David Jordan
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 45 Tower Bolts Torque Setting
Robert Chudek - K0RC
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 45 Tower Bolts Torque Setting
Robert Chudek - K0RC
- [TowerTalk] stacking antenna systems - WX0B & Comtek
- [TowerTalk] RCS-8 as a StackMatch---How?
- [TowerTalk] Change to list replies
- [TowerTalk] C31XR, XM240, A3WS, EZNec models?
Howard K2HK
- [TowerTalk] C31XR, XM240, A3WS, EZNec models?
Howard K2HK
- [TowerTalk] Green Heron Baud Rate
Howard K2HK
- [TowerTalk] Force12 C19XR
Howard K2HK
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 25G Tower Help
Perry - K4PWO
- [TowerTalk] Tilt Up Tower
Perry - K4PWO
- [TowerTalk] Orion simple question
Perry - K4PWO
- [TowerTalk] HFTA
- [TowerTalk] US Tower damaged by lightning
- [TowerTalk] US Tower damaged by lightning
- [TowerTalk] vertical dipole switching
Stephen L. Sala K7AWB
- [TowerTalk] 2 element quad on a 17.5' roof tower?
Van K7VS
- [TowerTalk] whoops..sorry! re GEM QUAD
Van K7VS
- [TowerTalk] Overposting - let the program sort it out
Jim Miller KG0KP
- [TowerTalk] dxengineering U-bolts froze??
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
- [TowerTalk] dxengineering U-bolts froze??
Les Kalmus
- [TowerTalk] Surplus Hardline SOurce?
Les Kalmus
- [TowerTalk] OR2800 rotor cable
bill steffey
- [TowerTalk] OR2800 rotor cable
Les Kalmus
- [TowerTalk] OR2800 rotor cable
Les Kalmus
- [TowerTalk] OR2800 rotor cable
Les Kalmus
- [TowerTalk] MFJ Switch
Krishna Kanakasapapathi
- [TowerTalk] Yet another Hazer Guying Question
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- [TowerTalk] Alfa Spid rotators info
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- [TowerTalk] dxengineering U-bolts froze??
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- [TowerTalk] dxengineering U-bolts froze??
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- [TowerTalk] 1/4 wave vertical question
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- [TowerTalk] 1/4 wave vertical question
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- [TowerTalk] Freestanding tower, narrow city lot
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- [TowerTalk] 1/4 wave vertical question
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- [TowerTalk] US Tower bearings ?
Richard (Rick) Karlquist
- [TowerTalk] Hygain TH-6DX
Rick Karlquist
- [TowerTalk] Hygain TH-6DX
Rick Karlquist
- [TowerTalk] V beam leg lengths
Rick Karlquist
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
Rick Karlquist
- [TowerTalk] Postings
Rick Karlquist
- [TowerTalk] TV antennas on HF towers
Rick Karlquist
- [TowerTalk] Telescoping TV Mast Installation questions
Steve Katz
- [TowerTalk] Wonder if this will support a Monster SteppIR?
Steve Katz
- [TowerTalk] Freestanding tower, narrow city lot
Steve Katz
- [TowerTalk] Idiom Press
Sylvan Katz
- [TowerTalk] Idiom Press
Sylvan Katz
- [TowerTalk] Need a bit of help fairly pricing an AB-577
Steven Kerns
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 45 Tower Bolts Torque Setting
Steven Kerns
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 45 Tower Bolts Torque Setting
Steven Kerns
- [TowerTalk] Moving big rocks
Ken Kinyon
- [TowerTalk] 2 element quad on a 17.5' roof tower?
Jon Knodel
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
Jon Knodel
- [TowerTalk] Freestanding tower, narrow city lot
Mike & Becca Krzystyniak
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors
Mike & Becca Krzystyniak
- [TowerTalk] Moving big rocks
Kurt Cathcart, KR2C
- [TowerTalk] dxengineering U-bolts froze??
Kurt Cathcart, KR2C
- [TowerTalk] Surplus Hardline SOurce?
Kurt Cathcart, KR2C
- [TowerTalk] Freestanding tower, narrow city lot
Dave LaBat
- [TowerTalk] N or PL259
Randy Lake
- [TowerTalk] FOR SALE: Cable/Interface setup for FT1000/Steppir using microHam Band Decoder
Elliott Lawrence
- [TowerTalk] coax stubs /bandpass filter
Rex Lint
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
Rex Lint
- [TowerTalk] Field Day Antennas - Multiband Vee-Beam?
Rex Lint
- [TowerTalk] Digging holes for anchor rods
Rex Lint
- [TowerTalk] Tower Base In Concrete
Hank Lonberg
- [TowerTalk] breaking up boulder
John Lyles
- [TowerTalk] Cutting a section of 25G
John Lyles
- [TowerTalk] Climber/caver/towers
John Lyles
- [TowerTalk] TRX80
Dale M
- [TowerTalk] TRX80
Dale M
- [TowerTalk] TRX80
Dale M
- [TowerTalk] TRX80
Dale M
- [TowerTalk] Andrew 1 5/8 hardline
Steve Maki
- [TowerTalk] Measuring Guy Positions
Steve Maki
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors
Steve Maki
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors
Steve Maki
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
Steve Maki
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
Steve Maki
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Steve Maki
- [TowerTalk] Spanish-language conversation on baluns, antennas
Steve Maki
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 25G Tower Help
AA6DX - Mark
- [TowerTalk] dxengineering U-bolts froze??
May, Mark J.
- [TowerTalk] dxengineering U-bolts froze??
May, Mark J.
- [TowerTalk] dxengineering U-bolts froze??
May, Mark J.
- [TowerTalk] opinions hex beam?
Gary "Joe" Mayfield
- [TowerTalk] Yet another Hazer Guying Question
Gary "Joe" Mayfield
- [TowerTalk] Tilt Up Tower
Gary "Joe" Mayfield
- [TowerTalk] Tilt Up Tower
Gary "Joe" Mayfield
- [TowerTalk] Tilt Up Tower
Gary "Joe" Mayfield
- [TowerTalk] Tilt Up Tower
Gary "Joe" Mayfield
- [TowerTalk] US Tower damaged by lightning
Scott McClements
- [TowerTalk] US Tower damaged by lightning
Jim McDonald
- [TowerTalk] US Tower damaged by lightning
Jim McDonald
- [TowerTalk] US Tower damaged by lightning
Jim McDonald
- [TowerTalk] Coax
Jim McLaughlin
- [TowerTalk] Freestanding tower, narrow city lot
Barry Merrill
- [TowerTalk] Freestanding tower, narrow city lot
Barry Merrill
- [TowerTalk] HFTA
Barry Merrill
- [TowerTalk] Moving big rocks
- [TowerTalk] Stuck Tower-US Towers 472MDP-Solution Found
- [TowerTalk] stuck US towers 472MDP solution
- [TowerTalk] Rotor on the verge of failure?
- [TowerTalk] Can motorized crank up's be manually
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
- [TowerTalk] Coax
- [TowerTalk] Rotor on the verge of failure? - Follow up
- [TowerTalk] Spanish-language conversation on baluns, antennas
- [TowerTalk] Quad balun needed
- [TowerTalk] 7-16 Din?
Jim Miller
- [TowerTalk] Hy-Gain 204-BA Antenna
William Mills
- [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 88, Issue 61
Tom Ed Moore(k5bm)
- [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 88, Issue 92
Tom Ed Moore
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
Kipton Moravec
- [TowerTalk] Tower Lighting
Kipton Moravec
- [TowerTalk] Spectral Analyzer
Robert Morris
- [TowerTalk] Check out my photos on Facebook
Randall Murphree
- [TowerTalk] ComTek - 80M 4-square advice
N2TK, Tony
- [TowerTalk] "Windom"
Wayne Jones N5GT
- [TowerTalk] Gin Pole Rope
Rich Hallman - N7TR
- [TowerTalk] US Tower damaged by lightning
- [TowerTalk] Fulton K1000 winch replacement? advice
Alan NV8A
- [TowerTalk] Alfa Spid rotators info-NAFTA
Alan NV8A
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Bill NY9H
- [TowerTalk] OR2800 rotor cable
Jim Nail
- [TowerTalk] FW: Re Force12 C19XR
- [TowerTalk] Cable lengths and size Tristao 472
Alex and La Nell
- [TowerTalk] Alfa Spid rotators info
Bob Nielsen
- [TowerTalk] Gap Challenger Comparison Testing Studies
Bob Nielsen
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was Gap Challenger Comparison Testing Studies)
Bob Nielsen
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was Gap Challenger Comparison Testing Studies)
Bob Nielsen
- [TowerTalk] Change to list replies
Bob Nielsen
- [TowerTalk] Where should the nuts go?
B. Nowak
- [TowerTalk] Yaesu Rotor Light
Tom Osborne
- [TowerTalk] Hygain TH-6DX
Tom Osborne
- [TowerTalk] MFJ Switch
Tom Osborne
- [TowerTalk] Telescoping TV Mast Installation questions
Tom Osborne
- [TowerTalk] HyGain TH6-DX conversion to 12/17m?
Felipe Ceglia - PY1NB
- [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest
Stephen M. Parker
- [TowerTalk] Hygain TH-6DX
Bill Parry
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 25G Tower Help
Bill Parry
- [TowerTalk] Tower Lighting
Roger Parsons
- [TowerTalk] Field Day Antennas - Multiband Vee-Beam?
Roger Parsons
- [TowerTalk] Moving big rocks
- [TowerTalk] Alfa Spid rotators info
Julio Peralta
- [TowerTalk] US Tower damaged by lightning
Julio Peralta
- [TowerTalk] Tower Jack
Terry Price
- [TowerTalk] Moving big rocks
- [TowerTalk] Overposting
- [TowerTalk] US Tower damaged by lightning
- [TowerTalk] OR2800 rotor cable
Pete Raymond
- [TowerTalk] US Tower damaged by lightning
Pete Raymond
- [TowerTalk] Hy-Gain 204-BA Antenna
Pete Raymond
- [TowerTalk] Stripping LMR-600
Scott Reed
- [TowerTalk] Tower Lighting
Scott Reed
- [TowerTalk] XM-240 question
Joe Reisert
- [TowerTalk] Looking for a multiband antenna designer
Joe Reisert
- [TowerTalk] Hygain TH-6DX
Doug Renwick
- [TowerTalk] Tilt Up Tower
EZ Rhino
- [TowerTalk] Tailtwister Rotor Rehab Question
Stu Ritter
- [TowerTalk] dxengineering U-bolts froze??
- [TowerTalk] Change to list replies
- [TowerTalk] Hy-Gain 204-BA Antenna
- [TowerTalk] Cutting a section of tower
Mark Robinson
- [TowerTalk] Cutting a section of tower
Mark Robinson
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 45 Foundation Question
Mark Robinson
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 45 Guy Anchor Positions
Mark Robinson
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 45 Anchor Foundation
Mark Robinson
- [TowerTalk] dxengineering U-bolts froze??
Mark Robinson
- [TowerTalk] Gin Pole Rope
Mark Robinson
- [TowerTalk] Gin Pole Rope
Mark Robinson
- [TowerTalk] Gin Pole Rope
Mark Robinson
- [TowerTalk] Measuring Guy Positions
Mark Robinson
- [TowerTalk] Measuring Guy Positions
Mark Robinson
- [TowerTalk] Tower Lighting
Mark Robinson
- [TowerTalk] Tower Lighting
Mark Robinson
- [TowerTalk] Tower Lighting
Mark Robinson
- [TowerTalk] Tower Base In Concrete
Mark Robinson
- [TowerTalk] Spanish-language conversation on baluns, antennas
Mark Robinson
- [TowerTalk] Overposting
Mark Robinson
- [TowerTalk] Digging holes for anchor rods
Mark Robinson
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 45 Tower Bolts Torque Setting
Mark Robinson
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 45 Tower Bolts Torque Setting
Mark Robinson
- [TowerTalk] Yaesu Rotor Light Bulb
Steve Robinson
- [TowerTalk] Yaesu Rotor Light Bulb
Steve Robinson
- [TowerTalk] Hazer replys
Steve Robinson
- [TowerTalk] US Tower Local Control problem
Steve Robinson
- [TowerTalk] Digest form
Tony Rogozinski
- [TowerTalk] Postings
Tony Rogozinski
- [TowerTalk] TH6 dissimilar metals query
Michael Ryan
- [TowerTalk] Whidbey noise, Tower, NAS Whidbey
Chuck S.
- [TowerTalk] 1/4 wave vertical question
Mirko S57AD
- [TowerTalk] Yaesu Rotor Light Bulb
- [TowerTalk] SBE Legislative Alert
- [TowerTalk] Measuring Guy Positions
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was Gap Challenger Comparison Testing Studies)
- [TowerTalk] Fall Arrest & Safety Equipment
- [TowerTalk] Tower Lighting
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
- [TowerTalk] US Tower damaged by lightning
- [TowerTalk] Moving big rocks
Grant Saviers
- [TowerTalk] Tailtwister Rotor Rehab Question
Grant Saviers
- [TowerTalk] Gin Pole Rope
Grant Saviers
- [TowerTalk] Tilt Up Tower
Grant Saviers
- [TowerTalk] Measuring a 70cm MOXON turnstile antenna
Grant Saviers
- [TowerTalk] Tilt Up Tower
Grant Saviers
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
Grant Saviers
- [TowerTalk] US Tower damaged by lightning
Grant Saviers
- [TowerTalk] Adivce Using Irrigation Pipe
Grant Saviers
- [TowerTalk] TH6 dissimilar metals query
Dan Schaaf
- [TowerTalk] Gin Pole Rope
Dan Schaaf
- [TowerTalk] 1/4 wave vertical question
Dan Schaaf
- [TowerTalk] Tilt Up Tower
Dan Schaaf
- [TowerTalk] 1/4 wave vertical question
Dan Schaaf
- [TowerTalk] 1/4 wave vertical question
Dan Schaaf
- [TowerTalk] 1/4 wave vertical question
Dan Schaaf
- [TowerTalk] Gap Challenger Comparison Testing Studies
Dan Schaaf
- [TowerTalk] Gap Challenger Comparison Testing Studies
Dan Schaaf
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was Gap Challenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Dan Schaaf
- [TowerTalk] Gap Challenger Comparison Testing Studies
Dan Schaaf
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Dan Schaaf
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Dan Schaaf
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Dan Schaaf
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Dan Schaaf
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Dan Schaaf
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Dan Schaaf
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Dan Schaaf
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Dan Schaaf
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Dan Schaaf
- [TowerTalk] Hygain TH-6DX
Gary Schafer
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Gary Schafer
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Gary Schafer
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Gary Schafer
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Gary Schafer
- [TowerTalk] Coax
Gary Schafer
- [TowerTalk] N or PL259
Gary Schafer
- [TowerTalk] HFTA and diferent bands antennas
Gary Schafer
- [TowerTalk] HyGain T2X parts
Butch Schartau
- [TowerTalk] Fw: [SMC] Items for sale
Gregg Seidl
- [TowerTalk] TRX80
Fredric T Serota
- [TowerTalk] New rotor purchase
Fredric T. Serota
- [TowerTalk] Where should the nuts go?
Fredric T. Serota
- [TowerTalk] Where should the nuts go?
Fredric T. Serota
- [TowerTalk] TRX80
Fredric T. Serota
- [TowerTalk] TRX80
Fredric T. Serota
- [TowerTalk] US Tower damaged by lightning
Fredric T. Serota
- [TowerTalk] Cutting a section of tower
Ward Silver
- [TowerTalk] Yet another Hazer Guying Question
Ward Silver
- [TowerTalk] Measuring Guy Positions
Gene Smar
- [TowerTalk] Force12 C19XR
Gene Smar
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Pete Smith
- [TowerTalk] Airports and tower height
Pete Smith
- [TowerTalk] RCS-8 as a StackMatch---How?
Pete Smith
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
Pete Smith
- [TowerTalk] TH6 dissimilar metals query
Pete Smith
- [TowerTalk] HFTA Type Data Outside of North America?
Pete Smith
- [TowerTalk] HFTA and diferent bands antennas
Pete Smith
- [TowerTalk] HFTA
Pete Smith
- [TowerTalk] HFTA support
Pete Smith
- [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 88, Issue 107
Pete Smith
- [TowerTalk] Coax
Martin Staffa
- [TowerTalk] Nuts
Martin Staffa
- [TowerTalk] N or PL259
Martin Staffa
- [TowerTalk] Coax
Martin Staffa
- [TowerTalk] connectors
Martin Staffa
- [TowerTalk] 2 element quad on a 17.5' roof tower?
Kostas Stamatis
- [TowerTalk] HFTA support
Steve, W3AHL
- [TowerTalk] a fancier hfta
Steve, W3AHL
- [TowerTalk] stacking antenna systems - WX0B & Comtek
Stan Stockton
- [TowerTalk] Gin Pole Rope
Stan Stockton
- [TowerTalk] Tower Jack
Stan Stockton
- [TowerTalk] HFTA
Stan Stockton
- [TowerTalk] HFTA and diferent bands antennas
Stan Stockton
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 45 Tower Bolts Torque Setting
Stan Stockton
- [TowerTalk] Stuck Tower-US Towers 472MDP-Solution Found
Alan Swinger
- [TowerTalk] Where should the nuts go?
Alan Swinger
- [TowerTalk] Wonder if this will support a Monster SteppIR?
Kelly Taylor
- [TowerTalk] stacking antenna systems - WX0B & Comtek
Tommy Taylor
- [TowerTalk] Hy-Gain 204-BA Antenna
Tommy Taylor
- [TowerTalk] MFJ Switch
David Thompson
- [TowerTalk] MFJ Switch
David Thompson
- [TowerTalk] XM-240 question
David Thompson
- [TowerTalk] Hygain 18AVT trap for 20mtr/40mtr
David Thompson
- [TowerTalk] 1/4 wave vertical question
David Thompson
- [TowerTalk] Telescoping TV Mast Installation questions
David Thompson
- [TowerTalk] HFTA
David Thompson
- [TowerTalk] US Tower damaged by lightning
David Thompson
- [TowerTalk] Can motorized crank up's be manually lowered...when power is out ?
Jim Thomson
- [TowerTalk] RF choke across the feedpoint of a 50 ohm direct feed OWA DE.
Jim Thomson
- [TowerTalk] Can motorized crank up's be manually
Jim Thomson
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
Jim Thomson
- [TowerTalk] 7-16 Din
Jim Thomson
- [TowerTalk] US Tower bearings ?
Jim Thomson
- [TowerTalk] dxengineering U-bolts froze??
Glenn Thorne
- [TowerTalk] Gin Pole Rope
Glenn Thorne
- [TowerTalk] 7-16 Din
Sain'T Tom
- [TowerTalk] Rotor on the verge of failure?
- [TowerTalk] Rotor on the verge of failure?
- [TowerTalk] Rotor on the verge of failure?
- [TowerTalk] Rotor on the verge of failure?
- [TowerTalk] Rotor on the verge of failure?
- [TowerTalk] Rotor on the verge of failure? - Follow up and thanks
- [TowerTalk] Rotor on the verge of failure? - Follow up
- [TowerTalk] Rotor on the verge of failure? - Follow up
- [TowerTalk] dxengineering U-bolts froze??
Michael Tope
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
Michael Tope
- [TowerTalk] HyGain AV640 Toroid core mix, or Beefing up an AV640
Art Trampler
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Art Trampler
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Art Trampler
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
Art Trampler
- [TowerTalk] Stacking Beams
Don Tucker
- [TowerTalk] TRX80
Don Tucker
- [TowerTalk] Lightning Damage and Insurance
Don Tucker
- [TowerTalk] Crankup Tower Cable Issues
Don Tucker
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
Eric - VE3GSI
- [TowerTalk] Force-12 C-3/E
Michael J. Donohue VE3YF
- [TowerTalk] about towers guys
Don Moman VE6JY
- [TowerTalk] Alfa Spid rotators info
Don Moman VE6JY
- [TowerTalk] coax stubs /bandpass filter
Dennis Vernacchia
- [TowerTalk] Ground rods with jack hammer drill
Dennis Vernacchia
- [TowerTalk] HyGain T2X parts
Dennis Vernacchia
- [TowerTalk] HyGain T2X parts
Dennis Vernacchia
- [TowerTalk] Cap for Brake delay unit.
Dennis Vernacchia
- [TowerTalk] Cap for Brake delay unit.
Dennis Vernacchia
- [TowerTalk] Cap for Brake delay unit.
Dennis Vernacchia
- [TowerTalk] Will-Burt pneumatic mast repair
Dennis Vernacchia
- [TowerTalk] TH6 SWR curves
Dennis W0JX
- [TowerTalk] Green Heron Baud Rate
Scott W3TX
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
- [TowerTalk] Idiom Press
Rob Locher W7GH
- [TowerTalk] Cap for Brake delay unit.
- [TowerTalk] 1/4 wave vertical question
- [TowerTalk] 1/4 wave vertical question
- [TowerTalk] Tower Lighting
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
- [TowerTalk] Fwd: Fw: SBE Legislative Alert
- [TowerTalk] SBE Legislative Alert
- [TowerTalk] Tailtwister Rotor Rehab Question
- [TowerTalk] Tailtwister Rotor Rehab Question
- [TowerTalk] Tailtwister Rotor Rehab Question
- [TowerTalk] Tailtwister Rotor Rehab Question
- [TowerTalk] Tailtwister Rotor Rehab Question
- [TowerTalk] Will-Burt pneumatic mast repair
- [TowerTalk] Yaesu Rotor Light
Jim in Waco WB5OXQ
- [TowerTalk] Fall Arrest & Safety Equipment
Dick Green WC1M
- [TowerTalk] AB-577
Dick Green WC1M
- [TowerTalk] 7-16 Din?
Dick Green WC1M
- [TowerTalk] OR2800 rotor cable
Dick Green WC1M
- [TowerTalk] OR2800 rotor cable
Dick Green WC1M
- [TowerTalk] Lightning Damage and Insurance
Dick Green WC1M
- [TowerTalk] Fulton K1000 winch replacement? advice
Joe - WDØM
- [TowerTalk] SBE Legislative Alert
Joe - WDØM
- [TowerTalk] phased vertical feedline question
- [TowerTalk] Rotator grease...
Geoffrey Way
- [TowerTalk] Cutting a section of tower
Robert West
- [TowerTalk] Cutting a section of tower
Robert West
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 25G Tower Help
Robert West
- [TowerTalk] Will-Burt pneumatic mast repair
Robert West
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
Robert West
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
Robert West
- [TowerTalk] Digging holes for anchor rods
Doug Westacott
- [TowerTalk] V beam leg lengths
Al Williams
- [TowerTalk] OR2800 rotor cable
Al Williams
- [TowerTalk] ionosphere and ground reflections of radio signals
Al Williams
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
Ed Williams
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
- [TowerTalk] Can motorized crank up's be manually lowered...when power is out ?
Bill Winkis
- [TowerTalk] HyGain T2X parts
Bill Winkis
- [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 88, Issue 99
James Wolf
- [TowerTalk] parts for a 40-2CD
Hector Garcia XE2K
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
Hector Garcia XE2K
- [TowerTalk] Fw: Coax Question
Hector Garcia XE2K
- [TowerTalk] 7-16 Din?
Hector Garcia XE2K
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
Hector Garcia XE2K
- [TowerTalk] HIGH SWR because of loops between amp and wattimeter
Hector Garcia XE2K
- [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 88, Issue 107
Hector Garcia XE2K
- [TowerTalk] Spanish-language conversation on baluns, antennas
Hector Garcia XE2K
- [TowerTalk] Orion simple question
Brahmangou at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Tower Base In Concrete
Brahmangou at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Moving big rocks
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Cutting a section of tower
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Distance from an airport and tower height
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Distance from an airport and tower height
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Airports and tower height
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Distance from an airport and tower height
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] stacking antenna systems - WX0B & Comtek
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] HyGain T2X parts
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Topband: Staples
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 25G Tower Help
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 25G Tower Help
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] HFTA
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Distance from an airport and tower height
JWKIMBALL at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Need a bit of help fairly pricing an AB-577
K4tmc at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Tailtwister Rotor Rehab Question
K6TFZ at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Moving big rocks
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 88, Issue 5
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Cutting a section of tower
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Yet another Hazer Guying Question
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 25G Tower Help
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] 125' HD self-supporter for sale
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Tailtwister Rotor Rehab Question
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Tailtwister Rotor Rehab Question
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Rotor on the verge of failure?
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Can motorized crank up's be manually
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 88, Issue 45
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Where should the nuts go?
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 88, Issue 66
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Gap Challenger Comparison Testing Studies
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] HFTA support
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] HIGH SWR because of loops between amp and wattimeter
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] AV-640 (was GapChallenger ComparisonTesting Studies)
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest Form
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] US Tower bearings ?
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Idiom Press
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] US Tower damaged by lightning
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Change to list replies
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Lightning Damage and Insurance
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] US Tower damaged by lightning
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Spanish on list
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Can motorized crank up's be manually
KJ6Y at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Can motorized crank up's be manually
KJ6Y at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Tri-Ex W-51 / WT-51
KJ6Y at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Tri-Ex LM-470
KJ6Y at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] US Towers 472MDP won't raise from the LOCAL (base of tower) l...
KJ6Y at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] US Tower bearings ?
KJ6Y at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] LM-354 tower drawing
NPAlex at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] US Tower Local Control problem
NPAlex at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Cutting a section of tower
TexasRF at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Cutting a section of tower
TexasRF at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 25G Tower Help
TexasRF at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Coax
TexasRF at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors
TexasRF at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] 7-16 Din?
TexasRF at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Belden 8267
TexasRF at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Belden 8267
TexasRF at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Hazer replys
WB4UNA at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Moving big rocks
hanslg at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Yet another Hazer Guying Question
hanslg at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 88, Issue 45
hanslg at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Hygain 18AVT trap for 20mtr/40mtr
hanslg at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] HFTA and diferent bands antennas
hanslg at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] ionosphere and ground reflections of radio signals
hanslg at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Windom
hanslg at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Lightning Damage and Insurance
hanslg at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 45 Tower Bolts Torque Setting
hanslg at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 45 Tower Bolts Torque Setting
hanslg at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Hygain TH-6DX
- [TowerTalk] dxengineering U-bolts froze??
w2lk at bk-lk.com
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 25 Tilting plans??
- [TowerTalk] Spectral Analyzer
- [TowerTalk] Spectral Analyzer
- [TowerTalk] Field Day Antennas - Multiband Vee-Beam?
- [TowerTalk] Digging holes for anchor rods
- [TowerTalk] Digging holes for anchor rods
- [TowerTalk] Airports and tower height
N7KA at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
N7KA at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] WTB: TRX-80
jcowens1 at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] OR2800 rotor cable
k2wd at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] OR2800 rotor cable
k2wd at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] Surplus Hardline SOurce?
k4rjj at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] Moving big rocks
n9lah at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] US Tower bearings ?
n9lah at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] US Tower bearings ?
n9lah at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 45-tilt over
jpk5lad at cox.net
- [TowerTalk] Tower Base In Concrete
Keith eMail
- [TowerTalk] OR2800 rotor cable
bob finger
- [TowerTalk] OR2800 rotor cable
bob finger
- [TowerTalk] OR2800 rotor cable
bob finger
- [TowerTalk] AB-577
veblencf at hcc.net
- [TowerTalk] Moving big rocks
- [TowerTalk] Tristao CZ-454-FS Tower ( Need Engineer Stamp)
- [TowerTalk] cutting phasing lines
- [TowerTalk] cutting phasing lines
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
- [TowerTalk] Freestanding tower, narrow city lot
- [TowerTalk] Freestanding tower, narrow city lot
- [TowerTalk] Will-Burt pneumatic mast repair
- [TowerTalk] Will-Burt pneumatic mast repair
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors
- [TowerTalk] 7-16 Din
- [TowerTalk] 7-16 Din
- [TowerTalk] OR2800 rotor cable
- [TowerTalk] Tower Lighting
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
- [TowerTalk] HFTA and diferent bands antennas
- [TowerTalk] HFTA and diferent bands antennas
- [TowerTalk] a fancier hfta
- [TowerTalk] a fancier hfta
- [TowerTalk] ionosphere and ground reflections of radio signals
- [TowerTalk] Freestanding tower, narrow city lot
- [TowerTalk] US Tower damaged by lightning
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 45 Tower Bolts Torque Setting
- [TowerTalk] Where should the nuts go?
k2qmf at juno.com
- [TowerTalk] Where should the nuts go?
k2qmf at juno.com
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
bill at k4fx.net
- [TowerTalk] what not to do in your tower
bill at k4fx.net
- [TowerTalk] XM-240 question
- [TowerTalk] Cutting a section of tower
john at kk9a.com
- [TowerTalk] Andrew 1 5/8 hardline
john at kk9a.com
- [TowerTalk] Rotor on the verge of failure?
john at kk9a.com
- [TowerTalk] dxengineering U-bolts froze??
john at kk9a.com
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
john at kk9a.com
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
john at kk9a.com
- [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 88, Issue 45
john at kk9a.com
- [TowerTalk] Measuring Guy Positions
john at kk9a.com
- [TowerTalk] Freestanding tower, narrow city lot
john at kk9a.com
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors
john at kk9a.com
- [TowerTalk] Heliax Connectors
john at kk9a.com
- [TowerTalk] HFTA
john at kk9a.com
- [TowerTalk] OR2800 rotor cable
john at kk9a.com
- [TowerTalk] OR2800 rotor cable
john at kk9a.com
- [TowerTalk] Belden 8267
john at kk9a.com
- [TowerTalk] Belden 8267
john at kk9a.com
- [TowerTalk] Freestanding tower, narrow city lot
john at kk9a.com
- [TowerTalk] Belden 8267
john at kk9a.com
- [TowerTalk] Belden 8267
john at kk9a.com
- [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest Form
john at kk9a.com
- [TowerTalk] US Tower damaged by lightning
john at kk9a.com
- [TowerTalk] Change to list replies
john at kk9a.com
- [TowerTalk] Moving big rocks
kurt at kuhlroad.net
- [TowerTalk] Telescoping TV Mast Installation questions
larryjspammenot at teleport.com
- [TowerTalk] Telescoping TV Mast Installation questions
larryjspammenot at teleport.com
- [TowerTalk] Telescoping TV Mast Installation questions
larryjspammenot at teleport.com
- [TowerTalk] Aluma Tower Model #T-140
- [TowerTalk] Tristao CZ-454-FS Tower ( Need Engineer Stamp)
ronald schmid
- [TowerTalk] Tristao CZ-454-FS Tower ( Need Engineer Stamp)
ronald schmid
- [TowerTalk] Tailtwister Rotor Rehab Question
ronald schmid
- [TowerTalk] Rotor on the verge of failure? - Follow up
ronald schmid
- [TowerTalk] Cap for Brake delay unit.
ronald schmid
- [TowerTalk] Subject: Tower Jack
ronald schmid
- [TowerTalk] test
gdaught6 at stanford.edu
- [TowerTalk] OR2800 rotor cable
bill steffey
- [TowerTalk] Amerite 25 Base
- [TowerTalk] Yagi antenna design by James Lawson W2PV
mike stokes
- [TowerTalk] Crankup Tower Cable Issues
knormoyle at surfnetusa.com
- [TowerTalk] Hygain 18AVT trap for 20mtr/40mtr
n8de at thepoint.net
- [TowerTalk] Cap for Brake delay unit.
n8de at thepoint.net
- [TowerTalk] 1/4 wave vertical question
n8de at thepoint.net
- [TowerTalk] Field Day Antennas - Multiband Vee-Beam?
n8de at thepoint.net
- [TowerTalk] TV antennas on HF towers
ssouva at twcny.rr.com
- [TowerTalk] Green Heron Baud Rate
scottw3tx at verizon.net
- [TowerTalk] Looking for a multiband antenna designer
scottw3tx at verizon.net
- [TowerTalk] cutting phasing lines
vk3pa at vk3pa.com
- [TowerTalk] TOWAIR query - proximity to airport, FCC and FAA registration
van wd8aam
- [TowerTalk] Coax Question
van wd8aam
- [TowerTalk] Will-Burt pneumatic mast repair
van wd8aam
- [TowerTalk] AB-577
van wd8aam
- [TowerTalk] TowerTalk Digest, Vol 88, Issue 107
van wd8aam
- [TowerTalk] Spanish-language conversation on baluns, antennas
van wd8aam
- [TowerTalk] Spanish-language conversation on baluns, antennas
van wd8aam
- [TowerTalk] Lightning Damage and Insurance
van wd8aam
- [TowerTalk] Will-Burt pneumatic mast repair
edmund weber
- [TowerTalk] Fulton K1000 winch replacement? advice
r young
- [TowerTalk] opinions hex beam?
r young
- [TowerTalk] Mounting hole diagram Fulton winch
r young
- [TowerTalk] Yet another Hazer Guying Question
ww3s at zoominternet.net
Last message date:
Fri Apr 30 19:43:36 PDT 2010
Archived on: Sat May 1 04:43:57 PDT 2010
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).