[TowerTalk] HFTA and diferent bands antennas

Stan Stockton k5go at cox.net
Sat Apr 24 05:41:04 PDT 2010


HFTA assumes nominal gain figures for antennas containing a certain  
number of elements for a certain band.  It does not model the  
performance characteristics of a particular antenna design for those  
antennas or other structures of different lengths like antennas for  
another band.  You would have to use EZNec or another NEC based  
program to do that.

73...stan, K5GO

Sent from Stan's IPhone

On Apr 24, 2010, at 7:28 AM, "Jorge Diez - CX6VM" <cx6vm.jorge at adinet.com.uy 
 > wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying HFTA, really very interesting the info from it.
> I model for different antennas, also for a stack of monobanders.
> BUT, how can I add a different antenna to this model?
> For example I modeled a 3 yagi´s for 10 mts stack. I want to know ho 
> w it
> will be affected if I add a 20 mts monobander in the same mast where  
> I have
> the top 10 mts yagi. It´s possible with HFTA?
> Thanks,
> Jorge
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