[TowerTalk] coax

Craig Clark jcclark at radiusnorth.net
Wed Apr 14 07:28:43 PDT 2010

Message: 6
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 08:33:59 -0400
From: Ryan Jairam <rjairam at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Coax
To: nf4l at nf4l.com, 	"Tower and HF antenna construction topics."
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The N types have gasket built in so they are in fact more weather resistant.

However I still used butyl tape + Electrical tape on my outdoor connections.

Ryan, N2RJ

There are in fact, two gaskets in a type N connector. There is the gasket on
the shell that mates the male to the female and a gasket where the shield is
clamped to the body of the shell. This is true on both the 5 piece and two
piece N male connectors.

That said, to ensure proper weatherproofing, you need to following Ryan's as
well as other's suggestions.


Craig Clark K1QX
PO Box 209
Rindge NH 03461
603 899 6957 


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