[TowerTalk] Breaking all the tower climbing rules at an amazingheight...

n4zkf towertalk at n4zkf.com
Thu Dec 2 05:33:24 PST 2010

Horse Hockey!  "The safer a situation seems to be breeds complacency, that's
when accidents happen"
That's the biggest bunch of BS I have heard in years.

I have scrapped more than one person off the ground from GC's that fell
150ft+ saying "I won't fall". Try to scrape a body of jelly into a bag after
his fall.

I have 8000 towers under me with 15 people on them every day. I have NEVER
had one of them get hurt in over 10 years. WHY? BECAUSE THEY DON'T FREE
They also have a rescue bag laying at the bottom of the tower before the
climbers go up in case someone gets in trouble.

I started in telecom climbing Broadcast towers 20 years ago when
free-climbing was the norm. It was stupid then and it's stupid now. It's not
worth losing your life for!
Tell me what company you work for because you will never be on one of our

Sorry for the soapbox guys but when I hear this stuff my blood boils. 100%
tie off at all times! Period! I have seen people die in person. (it didn't
matter if they worked
for me or not) They died free-climbing.


-----Original Message-----
From: towertalk-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 11:41 PM
To: towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Breaking all the tower climbing rules at an

Many people free climb to some extent, I know I do, if you are so worried
about free climbing then you obviously should not climb at all.  Many
professionals that monitor this group free climb before they clip in.  Many
people free climb 100 foot trees for a living, I have climbed trees and it
is way more dangerous because of slippery conditions and many unknowns, it
just makes you way more careful. 

The safer a situation seems to be breeds complacency, that's when accidents
happen.  If you slip and fall in your full harness at a 100 feet you have
about 4-5 minutes for someone to get up there and get your feet on the tower
before the blood pools in your legs and you die because of the tourniquet
affect of the thigh straps.

I bet nobody that climbs ham radio towers does a "what if scenario" if I
should fall, who is going to climb up and get me.  While your hanging there
maybe unconscious because you have hit your head on the ten foot drop,
everyone on the ground is running around like headless chickens.  Maybe 911,
forget that, none of those guys have any idea how to get you off the tower
because they do not have training or the equipment.

If you are going to fall it is not when you are climbing, it is when you are
at the top doing the antenna placement and something slips and hits you or
crushes your fingers, that's when you need to be tied in with short

Better to be fit and careful and not fall of in the first place.


-----Original Message-----

This made the rounds on here a couple months back. Couple weeks ago it even
showed up on "The Weather Channel" videos.  They must not screen them and no
way to tell them what it was.

I still don't understand the psychology behind people getting ill, or unable
to watch.


Roger (K8RI)

On 12/1/2010 5:12 PM, Joe Giacobello, K2XX wrote:
>    Seems to be a commercial operation.  I guess the OSHA inspector 
> couldn't (wouldn't) make an on-site inspection.  Also, note the 
> porcupine dissipators on the way up.
> 73, Joe
> K2XX
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