[TowerTalk] Never-Seez and noalox?

Roger (K8RI) K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net
Mon Dec 6 11:29:39 PST 2010

On 12/6/2010 9:32 AM, jimlux wrote:
> n8de at thepoint.net wrote:
>> Might be a 'great' LUBE, but what about electrical/electronics use?   
>> Dissimilar metals play havoc with some joints.
>> Had a bad time with 'birdies' due to one dissimilar joint where I 
>> had  grounded a coax line at the base of a tower with copper strap 
>> secured  to the aluminum tower using Noalox.  Seems the 
>> copper/aluminum  junction rectified every shortwave station that the 
>> tri-band yagi heard!
> I don't know that I'd use MoS2 on tower joints.  It's more for high 
> pressure mechanical moving things (e.g. drive chains on motorcycles). 
> I think, because the Molybdenum is chemically bound to the sulfur, 
> it's not going to react with the other metals and form dielectric 
> junctions.
> MoS2 is also an insulator (like most sulfides), so I don't know that 
> it would perform the function of a NoAlOx kind of material, which, in 
> part, is designed to ensure that you have good conductivity all the time.

I'd not use any lube on tower joints, or any material that would reduce 
the gripping action of the leg overlap as that would reduce the over all 
tower strength and put more load on the bolts, which could lead to the 
elongation of the bolt holes.

Also when use on bolt threads the torque required for a specific linear 
pull on the bolt is reduced substantially. In compression on a tower 
leg  never-seez on the threads can lead a greatly increased crushing 
force on the tower legs. That needs to be taken into account when used 
on tower bolts.


Roger (K8RI)

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