[TowerTalk] DX Eng NCC-1 Receive Antenna Phasing Controller

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Sat Jan 16 14:09:57 PST 2010


 > Is anyone using one of these ? I am interested in your opinion of it
and what kind of antenna(s) you use it with. How well does it work ??

         I've been using one for ~1 month with a pair of Beverages 
for null steering to the backside.  It works very well (after 
discovering several documentation mistakes...since corrected in the 
latest Rev5 online manual).  I previously tried an MFJ-1025 (with all 
W8JI mods) but it was adding ~18 dB of noise.  The NCC-1 adds nothing 
and is much easier to adjust.  I was lucky to find one NIB for $300 
shipped but they often go for $400 used versus the current list price 
of $600.  That's a steep price but the construction and design is first class.

73 & GL!

Bill  W4ZV

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