[TowerTalk] troubleshooting US Towers TX472MDX

John Farber kg6i at hughes.net
Mon Jan 18 17:27:34 PST 2010

Tower went down OK b4 the rain storm, went up OK after. 2 days later it 
doesn't move, using either the remote or local setting on the remote 
control box. Other symptom: both lights for Full Up or Full Down light. 
Tower is now in the Full UP position. AC and control lines appear 
undamaged. The 120 VAC is present on the house outlet end of the 100 ft 
power cord to the tower, but I have not tested for 120 VAC at the tower 
base control box since the non-stop rain started days ago. But 
unplugging the 120 vac line at the house doesn't change anything, which 
I think it should. Any ideas?
Thanks, John

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