[TowerTalk] MF-259B

Jim Thomson Jim.thom at telus.net
Mon Mar 15 00:27:17 PDT 2010

Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2010 20:10:35 -0400
From: <caraj at cox.net>
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Uses of MFJ 259B

The MFJ 259 has measures many functions.
It measures just about all transmission line equation parameters and the alterations caused by loads - antennas.
Here's its parameter list and how to move to them.

Frequency Counter

John, K2SFS

## here's   what it  won't do. 

## it's a dead loss  when measuring inductance and Capacitance.  I Tried using it to make tank coils for
hb linears, and it's out to lunch, not even close.  3 x mfj's  were tried. 

##  I use a B+K  875-B   for accurate L + C  measurements.  Then everything is dead on per the spread sheet.  

##  They warn you not to inject a signal into it, for freq counter purposes, if the
unit is not powered up.  You will damage the unit. 

##  The optional grid dip coils won't dip anything, even a simple parallel resonant circuit.  Several friends also
commented they too, couldn't grid dip anything.  Even W8JI  says they don't work.   I use a real GDO.  

##  everything else seems to work fairly well on the 259. 

later........ Jim   VE7RF

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