[TowerTalk] Force12 rivets
Jim Thomson
jim.thom at telus.net
Sat Feb 19 02:46:36 PST 2011
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2011 14:14:14 +0000
From: Barry Gross <n1eu.barry at gmail.com>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Force12 rivets
I'm not sure if Force12 still uses riveted construction of yagi elements.
In any event, I just experienced my first rivet failure on my C3S (great
timing, huh?) and would like to avoid repeating this experience. What is
the tried and true wisdom on preventing rivet failure on these antennas?
Thanks & 73,
Barry N1EU
## I have a lot of F-12 yagis. All use 3 x rivets in a row [ 1/8" size]
How the heck did u shear off all 3 x rivets ?? I say it would be very difficult to do...if
not impossible.
## BTW... make damn sure u don't get any penetrox on the rivets. If u do, it will dry out, wash out..and then
leave a gap..which will allow slop. All rivets have to be fully seated..b4 u pull any of them. If after pulling the
1st rivet... the other 2 x remaining rivets start to migrate out...they have to be tapped back down..and seated firmly.
And don't tap em down ont he ends of the madrels either. they have to be tapped down at the base. A T square
works good for this. A small size xcelite ntdiver also works good. If after pulling the 2nd rtivet..ans the 3rd rivet migrates
out..it too has to be reseated b4 pulling.
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