[TowerTalk] HyGain TH-11DX

MARK HAMMOND k7hph at q.com
Fri Feb 25 13:52:14 PST 2011

Hello All:

Thanks for all of your great replies. They have been very helpful. I now have a lot of good information to consider...


Mark, K7HPH
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: MARK HAMMOND<mailto:k7hph at q.com> 
  To: TowerTalk<mailto:towertalk at contesting.com> 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 1:24 PM
  Subject: HyGain TH-11DX

  Hello All:
  I have been looking at the specs for the HyGain TH-11DX, 5 Band Beam. Does anyone have any experience with the performance of the TH-11DX? Is the MFJ rendition of the TH-11DX as good as the HyGain rendition was? Similarities, Differences?
  Thanks for the information.
  73, Mark K7HPH 

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