[TowerTalk] Beeswax application

K7LXC at aol.com K7LXC at aol.com
Sat Jun 16 10:31:04 PDT 2012

>  How are you supposed to get it on the guides without  completely
disassembling the tower? 
    Well, first you'll need to extend the tower  in order to expose the 
inside of the legs. IF you do a GOOD and SAFE job of  blocking the tower to 
prevent it from slipping down, you could theoretically  wax/lubricate the 
running surfaces. 
    The problem is that after running the tower  up and down a couple of 
times the wax/lubricant is scraped off. Crank-ups tend  to rub on 2 legs and 
the third doesn't get much action. Does the wax/lubricant  actually do 
anything? Possibly, but only for a short time. 
    Do you need to do anything to the legs? Not  in my opinion. It's A) 
anything is potentially dangerous to apply and B) it's  only a short term 

>  How about applying 10 mil adhesive backed teflon tape to the  guides?
    Nope. One excursion of the tower up or down and  it'll be scraped off. 
    There's a lot of information on crank-ups in the  Crank-up chapter in 
my UP THE TOWER book (available from www.championradio.com).  The only thing 
you really should do is to lube the cables occasionally along  with greasing 
the zerk fittings in the motor drive and the thrust bearing. 
Steve     K7LXC
Champion Radio Products
Cell: 206-890-4188

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