De La Vega, Fernando fdelavega at ccc411.com
Mon Oct 29 11:48:36 EDT 2012

Hi everybody:

I am creating a chart with values for TEMPERATURE COMPENSATED GUY WIRE TENSIONS, I found the following formula:

(0.0065) * ( wire cross sect area ) * ( modulus of elasticity ) * ( temp 1 - 60 deg F) * ( H * H  /  L * L )

Temp 1 = new temperature above or below the 60 deg F

0.0065 = thermal expansion factor of wire

H = horizontal distance between anchor and tower (radius of guy wire)

L = Length of guy = sqrt ( H*H + V*V)

V = vertical distance between anchor and attachment to tower)


( H * H  /  L * L ) = sin2 (angle)

Angle = angle of guy wire and horizontal line

I do not understand why it multiplies by the square sine of the angle !!!

Could please anybody tell why??

Does it have to do something with TIA equations??

Thank you


Fernando de la Vega, E.I.T.

CFE Telecom
Main: (512) 495-9470
Direct: (512) 674-9419
Cell: (574) 312-0005
fdelavega at ccc411.com

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