[TowerTalk] Fwd: Fwd: RG-149: 50 ohm/70 ohm - does it matter?

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Mon Dec 16 13:41:30 EST 2013

On 12/16/2013 10:36 AM, n8de at thepoint.net wrote:
> My comment was intended to indicate that YAGI antennas can easily be 
> modified to 75 ohm feed impedance.


IMO, 50 ohms was an arbitrary decision made by the first designers of 
solid state transceivers, whose primary experience was design for 2-way 
radio, where 50 ohm antennas were the standard. I don't see it as a bad 
choice, since the electrically  low dipoles that most hams are able to 
install are closer to 50 ohms than 75 ohms.

> Way ahead of you on wire antennas and verticals

I knew that. :) Comments were for others who are not.

73, Jim

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