[TowerTalk] Antenna Recommendation
Mike & Becca Krzystyniak
k9mk at flash.net
Fri Feb 1 08:46:33 EST 2013
If you are not chasing minor differences in dB's or the various ways
these antennas are designed and assembled, then that leaves the soft factors
such as cost and reliabilty. Like comparing car manufacturers there are
several good solutions to choose from. At the end on the day none of them
will survive the event that will bring them down. With a clean sheet of
paper the choices are difficult. My decision was driven by "the deal" that
I found on QTH. I found a NOS Mosley Pro-67C3 for a hams price. This is my
third Mosley yagi (upgrade from a shorty 40 and Pro57B into one antenna). I
live on a ridge with wind all the time. I have seen 1" radial ice on it and
wind gusts that snapped the booms on the old Cush Craft yagis, but not the
Mosleys'. The 67C3 has been up 10 years now. No failures. Most
importantly, I can work what I can hear on any of the bands. But I suspect
that will happen with any of your choices. YMMV.
73 Mike K9MK/5
-----Original Message-----
From: TowerTalk [mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of SPWoo
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2013 8:07 PM
To: towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Antenna Recommendation
I understand all the rave about trapless antennas. I have one too, a
trapless tribander with 3 elements on 20m, 3 elements on 15m, and 4 elements
on 10m. And I have purchased Steve's comparison report and my antenna did
well in the test. FWIW one day I did some tests with a local ham who has a
Mosley Pro-67B. That antenna has been up for over 20 years. We were neck
and neck on most bands. I was quite surprised at the result. I understand
that there are other variables involved like QTH, etc. He was thinking
about getting a new antenna and I told him don't bother with it. Why fix
something that isn't broken?
Here comes my biggest disappointment- his Mosley covers six bands and my two
yagis on a cromoly mast only cover four bands. On 17m he beats me by four S
units as my yagis aren't resonant on 17m. I haven't been that depressed in
a long time! If I could start over again I would consider the Mosley.
Best Regards,
Jonathan Woo, W6GX
(970) 646-1711
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