[TowerTalk] Routing Ladder with Parallel Coax?

W4LDE w4lde at numail.org
Sun Apr 6 10:32:03 EDT 2014


How far is it from your rig to the entrance point?  How high in 
frequency do you wish to go?

On HF you can run a short distance with coax and then use a 1:1 or 4:1 
balum at the outside side of the entrance point.  The loss will be very 
little depending on the distance and HF freq.

I have used the parallel coax but with shields tied together at both 
ends as a pass through a thick basement wall.  I didn't use that method 
for a long distance
since I was concerned that it might be more unbalanced than balanced.  
Hope other will chime in.

73 de

On 4/6/2014 2:43 AM, Tony wrote:
> All:
> My shacks location makes it difficult to keep ladder line away from 
> other cables that enter the house. Someone suggested I use 2 runs of 
> RG-11 coax in parallel to route the coax inside the house and then 
> connect the two to the ladder line outside.
> The coax shields would connect to the tuner ground and the center 
> conductors to the tuner output terminals. The shields are left open at 
> the end where the coax center conductors connect to the ladder line.
> Has anyone tried this with a doublet?
> Tony
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