[TowerTalk] short survey
Roger (K8RI) on TT
K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net
Thu Aug 28 05:09:28 EDT 2014
On 8/27/2014 9:15 PM, GALE STEWARD via TowerTalk wrote:
I was forced to quit climbing at 67 (actually 70), not because of comfot
factor (I love to climb and could stay up there for hours, I used to
climb a 200 footer just to shoot photos), I still had strength,
endurance, and good knees. What I had was a stroke at 67. I even
managed to get my third class flight medical back with no restrictions,
but I never got the stamina back. Several times with a local ham on
hand, I made it over half way up With a full body harness and fall
arrest gear, but realized as much as I wanted to, I could not make the
top safely. let alone, stay up there.
So my last climb, even to 70 feet was at age 70.
Roger (K8RI)
> I just turned 67 and still climb. The knees and hips are still pretty good.
> The difference from years gone by is that my wife and daughter made me promise not to climb when no one else was home. I used to go up in the rain, snow, at night, etc. I abide with their wishes and take a cell phone up with me and maybe an HT also.
> Also, now I climb with a fall arrest body harness. I climbed with only a waist belt for many years but changed over about 15 years ago.
> 73, Stew K3ND
> ________________________________
> From: Craig Clark <jcclark at myfairpoint.net>
> To: towertalk at contesting.com
> Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2014 2:47 PM
> Subject: [TowerTalk] short survey
> Hans
> I'll be 63 in a few months. I still climb but only when someone is home and
> I use a full arrest harness bought from K7LXC.
> My forays are limited to repairing my 160 unipole feed and dipoles. I cannot
> manhandle beams anymore. My comfort level at 100' lasts but a few minutes.
> 73 Craig
> Craig Clark K1QX
> PO Box 209
> 107 Fitzgerald Rd
> Rindge NH 03461
> (603) 899-6103 office
> (603) 520 6577 cell
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Roger (K8RI)
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