[TowerTalk] Fwd: Cutting 2" Heavy Wall Cr-Mo Mast Up on

Ray Benny rayn6vr at cableone.net
Sun Jul 27 22:11:54 EDT 2014

I had to cut off a welded on gear from a 2" X .375" Cr mast - not easy. It
was laying on saw horses on the ground and took me a day or two of on and
off cutting/grinding with a 3 1/2" steel cutting stone to cut the bottom 3"
off. Maybe I wasn't using the right tools, but this 3 1/2" steel cutting
stone had cut anything and everything before.

I say keep the extra mast in the air, or lower your rotator mounting plate
8 - 10 ft inside the tower.

Another option, remove the mast from  the tower, sell it or buy/trade for a
shorter one.


On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 3:13 AM, Jim Thomson <jim.thom at telus.net> wrote:

> Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 14:27:25 -0400 (EDT)
> From: Hans Hammarquist via TowerTalk <towertalk at contesting.com>
> To: towertalk at contesting.com
> Subject: [TowerTalk] Fwd:  Cutting 2" Heavy Wall Cr-Mo Mast Up on
> Tower
> Beside wonder how you are going to handle the cut-off piece, I would try a
> regular tube cutter. I am using one with carbide wheels and that seems to
> cut anything. Nothing but hand power is used.
> Good luck but be careful.
> Hans – N2JFS
> ##  His 22 foot mast weighs  200++ lbs.......which implies it has a  half
> inch thick wall thickness.    A  2 inch od mast..with a .375 inch wall is
>  only 7 lbs per foot.    No way in hell you are  gonna cut 4130  heat
> treated
> chromolly steel, with a half inch thick wall...with any tubing cutter.
> ##  BTW,  once the mast is  .25 inch thick,   going any thicker is really
> a waste of effort.   At that point you should use a bigger OD mast, like
> 2.5  or  even 3.0 inch OD.    A  2 inch mast with a .375 inch thick wall,
> weighs the same as a 2.875 inch mast with a .25inch wall thickness.....
>  both of em weigh the same 7 lbs per foot.   The 2.875 inch od mast will be
> one helluva lot stronger, even factoring in the bigger diam masts
>  windload.   And that assumes the  2.875 inch mast is  DOM, with 89 ksi
> yield strength..... vs the 2 inch mast with its .375 wall  being made from
> 4130 chromolly steel with  107 ksi yield.
> ##  I use a 2.0 inch od mast with a .375 wall thickness...... cuz its
> stronger than a 2 inch mast  with a .25 wall.  However, that was not my
> choice..since the  HDX-689  I bought used was all setup for a 2 inch mast.
>   If I was doing this  from scratch,  I would opt for either a 2.875 inch
> od x .25 inch wall  DOM mast..... or a 3.0 od mast with a .25 inch
> wall...made from 4130 chromolly steel.   The strongest mast I ever heard
> about was 3 inch OD  with a .375 wall..made from 4130 chromolly.   That
> mast would weigh 10 lbs per foot..same as the fellow with his  2 inch od
> mast and .5 inch thick wall.
> ## U can see the effect right away using any of the popular mast programs.
>   watch out, the DOM stuff  will vary from 75 ksi  to  89 ksi..depending on
> where you buy it.   4130 chromolly  will vary from 107 ksi  up  to 125 ksi.
>   The yield strength  makes  a huge difference of course.    Section
> modulus  x yield strength  =  bending moment.
> Jim   VE7RF
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