[TowerTalk] Hy-Gain Rotor Control Boxes

RMorris robrk at nidhog.net
Wed May 14 23:09:58 EDT 2014

My fifty year old Ham-M with the brown slopped control works fine with the metal one.
Schematics should on line somewhere....  BAMA ?

Thirty years ago, thought the movers lost the control box. Built one from the junk box.
After buying the metal one at a hamfest, the old one turned up in a "kitchen" box that was not opened for five years.

Sent from my iPad

On May 14, 2014, at 21:01, "Jim W7RY" <w7ry at centurytel.net> wrote:

> Is there any difference in the old Hy-Gain metal cased rotor controllers and the newer black plastic controllers?
> Thanks
> 73
> Jim W7RY
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