[TowerTalk] antenna choices for K4XS

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Sun Apr 12 18:29:56 EDT 2015

On Sun,4/12/2015 2:39 PM, Mike Ryan wrote:
> all the bashing that has been going on lately about Mosley Antennas 
> fits in well right here. My retired friend who is on a budget, bought 
> a used  Mosley TA53 ( I think that is the correct model).

Advice based on the carefully done measurements by K7LXC and N0AX is NOT 
bashing -- it is based on FACTS.

Steve and Ward documented their work very carefully and thoroughly, and 
published it as a bound report. They also did a study of HF verticals. I 
bought both reports. I learned a LOT about both the antenna performance 
AND some technical analysis of WHY things performed as they did.

Joe, W4TV bought the reports too -- that's the basis of his comments.

Go to K7LXC's Champion Radio Products website. About $20 each as I 
recall. And while you're there, also buy N6BT's excellent A Ray Of Light 
book on antennas.

73, Jim K9YC

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