[TowerTalk] Replacement Thrust Bearing

George Dubovsky n4ua.va at gmail.com
Sun Apr 19 12:57:05 EDT 2015


One thing to remember about real bearings is that they are precision parts.
A 2" bore bearing will be 2.00x ID, with x being a small number like "1". A
galvanized or painted real 2" tube mast will likely not fit that bearing.


geo - n4ua

On Sun, Apr 19, 2015 at 12:24 PM, Patrick Greenlee <patrick_g at windstream.net
> wrote:

> I have a NIB 2 inch ID bearing in a 4 mounting hole pillow block with
> grease Zerk.  It is one HD unit rated for way more than needed and cost
> about $20.  The box is labeled CJ Bearings and is part number UCF210-31.
> There are only two hams in our ZIP Code and we went together and bought
> two.  His is in use and doing fine while mine awaits the arrival of my
> repurposed prop pitch motor, SteppIR DB42, and Tash Tower HD LM354.
> The box has this statement printed on a side panel, "Do not open until
> ready to use, keep dry and clean."  I will be assessing the
> methods/repurposed plumbing components mentioned here as used for
> protection against the environmental hazards.  I have a hard time
> understanding the rationale behind paying near or over $100 for a bearing
> very similar to mine.  Maybe if I framed and displayed a high dollar sales
> receipt from DXE or a tower company perhaps that would help justify the
> price. ;) ;)
> After all, a little frog that has been hand raised, dew picked, and
> lightly killed is still just a crunchy little dead frog even if related
> processes read like the menu of a high dollar French restaurant.
> Patrick   NJ5G
> On 4/18/2015 11:04 PM, Roger (K8RI) on TT wrote:
>> All of the new TB-3s and 4s I've tried felt very rough.  A real bearing
>> would be replaced if it were that rough, BUT the do the job well. Gene's
>> suggestion are much better bearings.  My new (used, but new to me)LM470 has
>> one of those mounted on top.  I'd suggest a cover of some sort to protect
>> it from the rain.  They get rusty looking and look like crap, but continue
>> to work well.
>> 73
>> Roger  (K8RI)
>> On 4/17/2015 12:49 PM, Robert Harmon wrote:
>>> I am overhauling my rotator and thought it would be good to replace my
>>> thrust bearing also.
>>> I have the Rohn TB3 bearing now.  It has been in use for 18 years and
>>> feels pretty rough.
>>> Im thinking of going with a different bearing this time with a steel
>>> body and greased. (grease fitting)
>>> Looked thru the archives on tower talk to find out what others have used
>>> and can’t find much,
>>> on this type of replacement and I know the bearing supply houses have
>>> them, just haven’t
>>> pursued searching with them yet.   I would like to know what others have
>>> used.
>>> If you have used a thrust bearing like this,  could you share
>>> the number and supplier ?  Array Solutions has their model TB2 which is
>>> this type
>>> of bearing but it only has a two hole flange for mounting.  They have a
>>> larger unit with a 4 hole
>>> flange but it is for a larger diameter mast than 2 inch. I want a 4 hole
>>> flange but for 2 inch.
>>> Here is the info from their webpage:
>>> https://www.arraysolutions.com/Products/thrustbearing.htm
>>> Anyway, what say you ?
>>> thanks,
>>> Bob
>>> K6UJ
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