[TowerTalk] G5RV vs 40M dipole

Bry Carling bcarling at cfl.rr.com
Sat Apr 25 23:27:11 EDT 2015

My experience has been entirely  different. Fan dipoles are extremely heavy and difficult to get to behave. A G5RV will take full legal power. It does not mysteriously generate noise as claimed. Many people use them on all bands with great success.
I'm not worried about supposed patterns. They just work.

Best regards - Brian Carling
AF4K Crystals Co.
117 Sterling Pine St.
Sanford, FL 32773

Tel: +USA 321-262-5471

> On Apr 25, 2015, at 9:26 PM, Jim Brown <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com> wrote:
>> On Sat,4/25/2015 5:10 PM, Bry Carling wrote:
>> I'm not a fan of fan dipoles. G5RV all the way!
> And I consider the G5RV and all of its variations a last resort. Their patterns are different on every band, they cannot be choked to kill RX noise. Just because a tuner can shove power into the transmission line doesn't mean that they are radiating efficiently.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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