[TowerTalk] Help with saw blade selection
George Dubovsky
n4ua.va at gmail.com
Sun Aug 30 06:38:25 EDT 2015
I can't comment on the saw, but I will say that, in general, you should be
able to twist to destruction any muffler clamp on your tower. Using a large
wrench or an 18"-class breaker bar with socket, I have always been able to
wring off rusted or galled hardware. When you get above 1/4" and 5/16"
hardware, it gets more difficult and if the part that you need for purchase
deforms (the nut or bolt head), you will have to reach for another weapon
of destruction. Just think back to the last time you accidentally wrung off
a bolt with an overlarge wrench and recall how simple it seemed... ;-)
geo - n4ua
On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 2:52 AM, Gene Smar <ersmar at verizon.net> wrote:
> TT:
> Recently I purchased a Ryobi multitool http://tinyurl.com/lq28mbk
> (because I already have a Ryobi drill, batteries and recharger) to use atop
> my tower when I eventually replace the rotator and add a couple of V/UHF
> Yagis to the stack. I expect that I will need to saw off the muffler
> clamps
> that I installed with the tower in 2001 to help support the mast on the
> bushing at the top and along the mast above a second rotator shelf (to use
> when the rotator is temporarily removed.) In addition, I believe I may
> have
> to use this tool to saw off the SS U-bolts that attach the mounting bracket
> of my Bencher Skyhawk to the mast above the bushing. I'll need to release
> all these items from the boom so I can lower the boom through the tower to
> add the small Yagis before I install the replacement rotator.
> My question: What specific blade should I purchase for this cutting
> work? The Ryobi tool comes with an oscillating circular saw blade for wood
> but the u-bolts and muffler clamps will require a more robust blade, IMHO.
> The oscillating plunge cutting blade (shown in the Home Despot link above)
> might work for the muffler clamps but I could use your advice based on your
> experience with this kind of tool and blades. Is there a specific blade I
> need for cutting through SS?
> While I'm at it, another question: For those of you who have a
> Skyhawk
> or F12, how likely is it that I'll have to saw or break off the u-bolts
> from
> the mast plate? I don't recall if the Skyhawk used Nylock nuts which would
> make this question moot. No, I didn't use anti-seize compound when I
> installed any of the antennas on this mast. But I will with the small
> Yagis.
> Thanks for your assistance.
> 73 de
> Gene Smar AD3F
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