[TowerTalk] Tower climbing lanyards

Roger (K8RI) on TT K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net
Mon Feb 2 20:56:10 EST 2015

On 2/2/2015 9:51 AM, Patrick Greenlee wrote:

60 years of climbing since in my teens and no injuries and there 
certainly won't be any more as it's more than difficult to use the hand 
used for hanging on, for opening the hook   Open hooks would be 
inconvenient too, so unless one falls on me that I put up in the past, 
ain't gonna happen <:-))  Still, ... I think you'd agree, it's safer 
than free climbing <LOL>


Roger (K8RI)

But I do miss the climbing
> Open hooks with no latching mechanism might cause your small hands to 
> be folded neatly over your chest with a Lilly on them.  Be careful in 
> judging the safety/PITA ratio.  Better some inconvenience than a 
> premature funeral.  I do agree some of the safety hooks are a super 
> PITA even for my hands (Glove size XXL)
> Patrick    NJ5G
> On 2/2/2015 8:34 AM, Roger (K8RI) on TT wrote:
>> On 2/1/2015 9:38 PM, Mike Lyon wrote:
>>> What is everyone out there using for tower climbing lanyards? I was 
>>> eyeing
>>> something like this:
>> This is close to what I prefer.  What I prefer is no longer legal and 
>> I'm not encouraging anyone to do it!.  Don't modify commercial 
>> equipment!
>> Without the latch I'd find them acceptable as they'd open with thumb 
>> pressure and a bit deeper to reduce the possibility of inadvertent 
>> opening.  My hands are small and latches on all of the hooks I've 
>> used  are a real PITA.  These may be different. I'd certainly 
>> purchase a set to try.  (I'm not above spending money on safety 
>> equipment to find the best for utility.)  My preference is for a 
>> deep, open Gorilla hook. Unlikely to come off accidentally, but 
>> almost effortlessly removed.  OTOH  Never climb above them! On the 
>> last set I had they were spring loaded and rotated to unlock.  Those 
>> were the ultimate PITA for small hands.
>> 73
>> Roger (K8RI)
>>> http://www.sitepro1.com/store/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=3330
>>> Any other suggestions?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Mike
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Roger (K8RI)

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