[TowerTalk] Laws of Physics Repealed!

Roger (K8RI) on TT K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net
Sat Oct 24 18:19:19 EDT 2015

Thanks, I stand corrected.  I'll swear that said R6, but it must be the 
6000 as it's the 40 thru 6-meter version. My notes said R6 but I only 
had the two to differentiate between at the time.

What I don't understand is why the three R6000s in this area were all 
difficult to tune, yet others have had good luck. They matched the 
manuals and  were all purchased around the same time.  They say no 
guying is needed, but cranking up either the AV or R series from 
horizontal on the mast makes them look like a wet noodle. Using hole 
saws, I cut a ring of 1/4" thick Lexan to a slip fit over the tube at 
roughly 3/4 the verticals height.  There are three, 1/4" holes @ 120 deg 
for synthetic rope guys.  I just use the light duty screw anchors in the 
ground as there is very little load even in strong winds.  They are sold 
as temporary anchors for aircraft tie downs.

Speaking of dummy loads. Back when six was really open, I worked a 
station in Central America who was working on his rig.  His antenna was 
just a test lead laying on the workbench.


Roger (K8RI)

On 10/24/2015 9:49 AM, Daniel Danny Horvat wrote:
> Roger,
> There is no R6 antenna, there is a R-6000 antenna which I designed for
> Cushcraft followed by R8 antenna which was covered in K7LXC & N0AX report
> with high score.
> MFJ/HyGain did copy the design just few months after R6000 was advertised
> and they implemented their known series LC resonators instead  parallel LC
> traps.
> I was against implementing a 80m on R8 vertical back then (1998) due low
> efficiency and narrow bandwidth. MFJ has no problem to claim anything just
> to sell.
> Verticals,  R5/R7 R6000 R8 and also clones AV620, AV640 are IMO better than
> 43 foot verticals or even worse CHA250 and clone verticals.
> There are number of people having 300 plus DXCC countries done with these
> verticals and they found them great for small and no radial field antennas.
> There are many claims about many antennas out there which do not meet the
> truth but as mentioned in one post, even light bulb can radiate.
> 73 Danny N4EXA aka E73M
> ---------------------------------
> Danny Horvat,  E73M
> Antennas & Accessories
> www.MyAntennas.com
> Message: 5
> Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2015 04:59:35 -0400
> From: "Roger (K8RI) on TT" <K8RI-on-TowerTalk at tm.net>
> To: towertalk at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Laws of Physics Repealed!
> Message-ID: <562B4877.70505 at tm.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
> While you're at it look up Hy-Gain
> Then look up the designer of the Hy-Gain AV series and the Cushcraft R
> series.  There is a reason they look so much alike. But why did Cushcraft
> keep a couple traps?  Just to make it look different?  Reduce efficiency
> just to look different?
> It's like trying to find the same applications in Win 10 that were in Win 7.
> They just reorganized it to look different?  You really need to hunt to find
> some of that stuff.
> It's basically the same speed with more annoying adds and programs that
> phone home.
> 73
> Roger  (K8RI)
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Roger (K8RI)

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