[TowerTalk] G-2800DXA Resistance readings

Mark Pride mpridesti at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 14 07:55:19 EDT 2015

I concur with Dale's description.
G2800DXA model (with Cinch connector on control box)  - Also the same for the G1000DXA model.
1,2,3 are for the potentiometer
4,5 are the motor and 6 relates to the stops.
I am happy to scan and supply the schematic.
Also note:  I have found their version control is very poor.  Moving from Cinch connectors to Molex; FT1000D - always send the original manual when having it repaired as these radios had changes that were not well documented (but I digress). Regards, Mark, K1RX       
      From: Jim Brown <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com>
 To: towertalk at contesting.com 
 Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2015 7:36 PM
 Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] G-2800DXA Resistance readings
On Sun,9/13/2015 3:30 PM, D. Drake wrote:
> Pins 1, 2 and 3 go to the 500 ohm position pot
> with pin 2 being the wiper.  Also pin 3 is
> grounded at the rotor.  So my measured resistance
> from pin 1 to 3 was 506 ohms.  Pin 1 to 2 was 288
> ohms and pin 2 to 3 was 221 ohms with the rotor at
> 45 degrees at the full CCW position pin 1-2 was
> 502 ohms and at the CW stop pin 1-2 was 70 ohms.
> Pins 4 and 5 go to the motor and with the rotor
> not at a mechanical stop the resistance was 12
> ohms

Hmmmm. That's exactly the opposite of the schematic I remember seeing 
online, as well as opposite of their smaller rotator (GXE1000?). Pins 1 
and 2 are the motor, 3, 4, and 5 is the position pot.

73, Jim K9YC


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