[TowerTalk] Please critique my plan for installing this tower

Kelly Taylor ve4xt at mymts.net
Mon Apr 18 11:43:28 EDT 2016

If the tower is in good shape, is there really a difference between buying and refurbishing a 20-year-old tower and having owned it from new for 20 years and then refurbishing it?

The question of whether it’s worthwhile is in the eye of the owner: if getting a good deal on a used tower and trading your own labour for the cost of a new tower is the only way to afford a tower, as long as the work is done properly, is it really a bad thing?

The thing about TT is the budgets of its subscribers range from those with apparently limitless budgets to the rest of us who try to do our best while putting kids through hockey, school and life…

73, kelly, ve4xt 

> On Apr 18, 2016, at 10:35 AM, Dick Blumenstein <rcblumen at centurylink.net> wrote:
> HI Ed-
> There is very little surface rust on the tower and I got it for a very good price, especially considering the addition of the antennas, prop pitch motor, Green Heron digital prop pitch motor controller and the 2 crank motors that came with it.
> I probably could erect it without rebuilding the pulley sheaves and wire rope, but feel that it wouldn't hurt to check them out first.  They might be in good order, but as long as I have it that far apart, why not replace them?
> Thanks for the feedback on the lightning rod.
> Dick, K0CAT
> =====================
> Ed Sawyer wrote on 4/18/2016 11:23 AM:
>> A couple of quick comments.
>> Is all that work on restoring a 20 year old crank up tower actually worth
>> it?
>> Having experienced a total of 6 lightning strikes over 10 years with 2 - 85
>> foot tall structures, I can tell that only 1 of the 6 hit the top mast of
>> the tower (approximately 4 ft above the highest yagi to hold the trusses).
>> The other 5 either hit the ground in the nearby vicinity or in one case hit
>> my 10M yagi at the 30 ft level (go figure).
>> My personal opinion is that a lightning rod on the top of a tower is
>> useless.
>> Ed  N1UR
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