[TowerTalk] Rotator Choice for Larger Yagi

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Tue Apr 26 09:45:17 EDT 2016

Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2016 08:47:56 -0400
From: "john at kk9a.com" <john at kk9a.com>
To: towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Rotator Choice for Larger Yagi

Besides adding a water shield and new clamps to the OR2800, I would
recommend a Green Heron controller.  This controller will work well with
the pulse reed switch with no special cable requirements.

John KK9A

## toss  in the Nord lock washers, and / or  blue loctite..  to the list, and you
have a winner.   Im 99%  sure you can buy a OR-2800  without the mating 
M2  control box for it.  Then just buy the OR-2800 +  GH box. 

##  a small traffic cone will also work for a water shield, provided you paint /
cover it 1st...so it doesn’t  look silly being bright red /orange.   That water
shield shown on amazon will do the trick, and fit any diam mast you want. 

##  The K7NV  mast clamp is a thing of beauty, he also uses em on his prop pitch
rotors.   Forget the bolts that compress the flanges,  just pinch them with vice grips
and the mast wont budge !  Ok, now add the bolts, tighten em up a bit, then remove
the vice grips.  Mast  wont budge...cant slip.  Its a superb design, since it has a LOT of surface 
area. Not too many of the teeth on the oem m2 clamp actually touch the mast.  And they
wont dig into a CM mast anyway.   On K7NVs  clamp, even with a 2 inch mast, it provides
> 36 sq inches of surface area.  And > 54 sq inches if a 3 inch mast used.

Jim  VE7RF 

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