[TowerTalk] FW: RG6 coax question

Matt maflukey at gmail.com
Sun Mar 13 05:13:53 EDT 2016

Hi Ed,

My station is not too far from you.  For what it's worth, my Beverages were
so noisy during the ARRL DX contest last weekend they were essentially
useless.  Although their performance generally degrades when the ground is
saturated with water (Beverages don't like improved ground conductivity from
what I have read), this was the first time I have had persistent problems
with noise on them.   I'm also feeding temporarily with RG-6 laying on the
ground and I'm sure I have water in the cable - field mice like to chew on
the jacketing...   Anyway, thought I'd let you know that I was having a
similar problem.   Email me off line if you want to discuss in more detail.


-----Original Message-----
From: TowerTalk [mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Ed
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 7:52 AM
To: towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: [TowerTalk] RG6 coax question

Howdy Tower Talkers , My question is if water can get into the RG6 coax
through the outer cover ? The RG6 I'm using is Commscope but it's not the
flooded ! I lay the coax on the ground to a HI-Z Receive 4 SQ , so I can
remove it in the spring and reinstall in the Fall . The RG6-F- connectors
are 8 to 12 inches off the ground and taped good , so if water is getting
in, it would have to come in through the insulation ... 
if that's possible ? I'm asking these questions because the HI-Z RX 4SQ uses
a Bias T throu the 4 phasing lines and if water or moister gets in it will
create noise and I have noise in 3 of the 4 directions ! 8.5 inches of rain
in 2 days is allot of water !

Thanks Ed N5DG

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