[TowerTalk] FXL-780 hardline connector prep

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Mon May 23 13:17:15 EDT 2016

On Mon,5/23/2016 9:07 AM, Gary Smith wrote:
> The foam has to be cored out, the jacket removed & I understand there
> is a flaring to be made on the center conductor and also one on the
> shield before joining the two halves of the connector. I'm not aware
> of how you do this by hand without the speciality tools.

Every NEW hardline connector I've bought has come with good instructions 
packed with the connector, and I've been able to find a pdf of 
instructions online for those connectors I've bought used or that came 
without instructions. Several years ago, I acquired a nice long length 
of Andrew VXL5-50 on a spool, and was able to find new connectors for 
it, which came with with instructions. I don't recall details, but I 
didn't need any tools more specialized than a hacksaw, a big bench vise 
(to hold the line while I cut it), and pliers/wrenches. I don't think I 
needed to solder the center -- I think it screwed into the hollow 
center. (I'm going from 3 year old memory).

73, Jim K9YC

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