[TowerTalk] Heat from nearby lightning strikes...

Howard Hoyt hhoyt at mebtel.net
Mon May 30 23:35:44 EDT 2016

This is wayyy OT so I'll keep it brief: many years ago I worked as a 
service technician for a stereo chain.  The service manuals for the 
Asian equipment was full or mis-translations...the best one was from a 
Luxman amp manual describing the function of a "Mute" button:

"Audio Muting is for such an occasion as a phone call during reproduction"

We chucked about that one for days...

Howie - WA4PSC

On 5/30/2016 6:27 PM, towertalk-request at contesting.com wrote:
> I'll bet dollars for donuts that no one "wrote" that ad; rather, it was run through Google translate and that's what comes out when you translate technical Mandarin to English with software that speaks neither.

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