[TowerTalk] Removing Tower Paint From Galvanized Tower
john at kk9a.com
john at kk9a.com
Thu Aug 3 20:29:46 EDT 2017
I concur. I painted my Aruba tower frequently with Brite Zinc
https://www.briteproducts.com/products.php . It looks similar to the
original color and the zinc offered some protection in the extremely
corrosive environment. I applied it with a painting mitt as others already
recommended. I wore a disposable latex glove inside the mitt to make cleanup
John KK9A
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Subject: [TowerTalk] Removing Tower Paint From Galvanized Tower
From: "Jim Thomson" <jim.thom at telus.net>
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2017 09:32:20 -0700
## Use cold galvanize paint. It IS battleship gray in color.
Non reflective in the sunlight. The zinc in it will provide for
extra protection. The tower is already galvanized. Then the
red or white paint on top of that....then the coat of cold
galvanize paint.
## Like others have said, sand off ..gently, any surface rust,
esp any loose, flaky stuff.
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