[TowerTalk] Galling and seizing of SS nuts to SS threaded studs and bolts.

Ian White gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Mon Jul 3 17:22:39 EDT 2017

I use Blue Loctite 2400 which comes in a simple no-mess squeeze bottle.

Apply 2-3 drops on the bolt thread at the location where the nut will be tightened, and while still liquid the Loctite will act as a lubricant to prevent galling. 

10-20 minutes later it has set solid, positively locking the nut and also sealing the thread gap against corrosion. 

The Blue Loctite grades like 2400 are specifically designed to be loosed using hand tools, and can be applied again to the same hardware.

One product does the whole job - no mess, no trouble.

73 from Ian GM3SEK

>-----Original Message-----
>From: TowerTalk [mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
>Dave Clemons
>Sent: 03 July 2017 17:00
>To: 'Roger (K8RI) on TT'; towertalk at contesting.com
>Cc: Dave at egh.com
>Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Galling and seizing of SS nuts to SS threaded studs
>and bolts.
>My experience with Never Seize (brand name, found in automotive stores)
>has been nothing but positive as far as keeping the stainless steel and
>galvanized bolts able to be removed later (even years later).  As mentioned,
>I found that it will get all over my  hands no matter how careful I am.
>Removing it from hands later on is done with waterless hand cleaner
>(contains lanolin as well as other stuff) which I also find at automotive
>supply store.  (Use this before washing your hands with water.)  This hand
>cleaner also works well on clothes BUT it must be applied and worked in to
>remove the gray grease BEFORE water is applied to the clothes.  (Once the
>clothes go through a washing machine, the stain will be on it for the life of
>the clothes.)
>Dave K1VUT
>-----Original Message-----
>From: TowerTalk [mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
>Roger (K8RI) on TT
>Sent: Monday, July 03, 2017 5:13 AM
>To: towertalk at contesting.com
>Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Galling and seizing of SS nuts to SS threaded studs
>and bolts.
>Good suggestions Bob. That stuff is tenacious, slippery, and tends to
>migrate as if it were alive.
>73, Roger (K8RI)
>On 7/2/2017 Sunday 10:23 AM, Bob Shohet, KQ2M wrote:
>> “With no preventative You have to twist the bolt off.  That can be a
>> real knuckle buster with 3/8ths or 1/2".
>> That’s if you are lucky.  Often the bolt will not twist and the bolt head
>shears and then snaps off necessitating cutting off the bolt with a hacksaw,
>usually in a VERY difficult and compromising position on the tower with
>poor physical access to the bolt!
>> Neverseize or similar compounds are not a panacea either but they
>greatly increase the odds of a successful outcome.  Don’t use too much
>though of else you will get it all over you when you put it on or when you
>take it off.  Aside from the permanent staining of your clothes, the
>slipperiness of the compound will compromise your ability to do tower
>work before you are able to wipe it off your hands, gloves, tools, etc.  I
>suggest that you put a large, soft cloth in your tool bag on the tower.  If you
>are not on the tower bring a cloth and/or paper towels to wipe off the
>excess when you apply it and to wipe off the bolt and hardware when you
>unbolt it.
>> Clean = safer and more productive tower work.
>> 73
>> Bob , KQ2M
>> From: Roger (K8RI) on TT
>> Sent: Sunday, July 02, 2017 9:29 AM
>> To: towertalk at contesting.com
>> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Galling and seizing of SS nuts to SS threaded
>studs and bolts.
>> Easier than that. Just use Neverseize(sp) SS to SS under tension, or
>> just tight fitting will have the nut bonding to the bolt.
>> With no preventative You have to twist the bolt off.  That can be a
>> real knuckle buster with 3/8ths or 1/2". Been there, done that.
>> 73, Roger (K8RI)
>> On 7/2/2017 Sunday 8:27 AM, J Chaloupka via TowerTalk wrote:
>>> I have often read where there is a problem of the threads of SS
>>> assemblies becoming seized or locked together after a time in the
>>> weather and becoming difficult and or useless when disassembly and
>>> reassembly is required.It is my opinion that one can use bronze nuts
>>> with the stainless threaded component with no such galling occurring.
>>> It is something I have done for years with no trouble.Opinions
>>> welcome.JIM, W4QBQ
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>Roger (K8RI)
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