[TowerTalk] Field Day inter-station QRM

George VE3YV ve3yv at pathcom.com
Thu Jun 29 15:15:27 EDT 2017

Herb - 


When our club VE3MIS ran 12A, phone and cw on the same band were not usually
a problem.  We planned the site layout to separate phone and cw positions as
much as possible on 40 and 20, the 24hr bands and laid the others out for
best placing of generators.  Antennas were whatever individual band managers
wanted - dipole, delta loop, vertical, yagi.  We have educated folks to use
RF current chokes on antenna feedlines which may help with stray pickup.
Several stations used band pass filters, but that doesn't address same band
issues.  Where problems were noticed, the victim was generally a lower end
rig with DSP-only type filtering.  On a dead band, radiated receiver hash
from some rigs was noticeable.  Our club does not run other than barefoot,
also helpful.  


Harmonics (40 cw on either 20 or 15 digital) do show up but are quite narrow
and easy to work around, especially in S&P mode where it is gone a few
seconds later.  Interstation issues were noticeable when running phone, cw
and digital in the same band.  In running digital you don't notice the
phone, but get AGC pumping as the separation between cw and digital
frequencies starts to get less than whatever your receiver can handle.
Experience with the K3 and FT-100 (and using the internal tuner or a
transmatch) was this would be within 20KHz or less as the cw folks chased up
band, so again as K9YC says, the rig matters.  This year the club ran 6A and
nothing was noticed that caused any conversation around the dinner or
breakfast tables.  


In short, use physical separation, good rigs, good practice, and have fun.


73, George VE3YV




Message: 1

Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2017 16:19:36 +0000 (UTC)

From: Herb Krumich <wa2fgk at yahoo.com <mailto:wa2fgk at yahoo.com> >

To: towertalk at contesting.com <mailto:towertalk at contesting.com> 

Subject: [TowerTalk] Field Day

Message-ID: <597811615.1463559.1498753176690 at mail.yahoo.com
<mailto:597811615.1463559.1498753176690 at mail.yahoo.com> >

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8


Every year after field day questions are raised for the following yearHere
is mineWhat do big clubs do about operating CW and SSB on the same band ?I
see no filters that are that tight.My only thought is to have the antennas
as far apart as possible.Possibly one being vertical and the other
horizontal.Your thoughts pleaseHerbK2LNS





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