[TowerTalk] Wind Speed by Location

Gene K5GS k5gs at arrl.net
Mon May 15 12:31:02 EDT 2017


I had the same result when looking at my former location in the Colorado 
high country, at 9,200 feet:  "Special Wind Region"

Google "Special Wind Region"

"There are special regions in which wind-speed anomalies are known to 
exist…Winds blowing over mountain ranges or through gorges or river 
valleys in these special regions can develop speeds that are 
substantially higher than the values indicated on the map. When 
selecting basic wind speeds in these special regions, use of regional 
climatic data and consultation with a wind engineer or meteorologist is 

It is also possible that anomalies in wind speeds exist on a 
micrometeorological scale…Wind speeds over complex terrain may be better 
determined by wind-tunnel studies."

Gene K5GS

On 5/15/2017 9:06 AM, Don W7WLL wrote:
> Tnx for sharing that Gene. No numbers came up for this location, but 
> I've maintained a WX station and auto- recorded daily most aspects of 
> the local wx since 2007. At my exposed location we experience 
> interesting wind conditions during the year!!!!!! I've a pretty good 
> grasp on what to expect here. So far, everything has stayed up during 
> even the most severe wind condx.
> If ever thinking of visiting the scenic Oregon coast,  there is a site 
> owned by the OCRG (Oregon Coast Repeater Group) providing current wx 
> conditions 24/7 from Rockaway Beach to Yachats on the OR coast at 
> http://www.ocrg.org/telemetry_feed/ocrgwx.html. All of this 
> information is fed to the NWS through MesoWest.
> Most of the wx stations are located at ham locations. I'm the 
> 'Yachats' site. We also host AIS and ADS-B receiving and reporting 
> stations.
> Other interesting information is also available on the OCRG site.
> I know a lot of hams have wx instruments mounted outside (some on 
> towers, some on roofs, etc) but few installations are designed around 
> the NOAA/NWS wx instrument siting standard. The siting standards for 
> the various wx reporting instruments such as, temp, humidity, rain, 
> wind, etc are difficult to meet for most ham installations, so most do 
> what works.
> Don W7WLL
> -----Original Message----- From: Gene K5GS
> Sent: Monday, May 15, 2017 7:55 AM
> To: towertalk at contesting.com
> Subject: [TowerTalk] Wind Speed by Location
> Didn't see this in the archives, maybe of interest to the TowerTalkians.
> I was poking around the Internet last night and bumped into the website
> of the "Applied Technology Council": *
> http://windspeed.atcouncil.org/
> *Enter your address and the site returns the wind speeds for that 
> location.
> Cheers,
> Gene K5GS
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