[TowerTalk] phased verticals again
Rudy Bakalov
r_bakalov at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 4 20:59:12 EDT 2017
Hi Kelly,
The big picture here is that I am optimizing not only for gain, F/B, etc. but also for time. There are 684 very long miles between CT and my station in VE3. So I always consider how long would it take to do this and that project and if I will ever have the time to complete it.
The K8UR array was the very first option I considered. I ruled it out thinking that it will take a long time to tune the dipoles.
So the elevated radials seem like a good shortcut. I really didn't feel like clearing the bush and trees around the tower to lay the radials.
I also considered going with aluminum from the very beginning. A fairly straightforward project. Again, didn't want to clear the forest to make room for a standalone array so decided to use the tower and string the wires. I also made the mistake to share my plans with my European friends who somehow managed to talk me out of aluminum (it's quite expensive and not quite readily available in telescoping sizes).
So this is how I ended up with wires and raised radials. For now I will keep the wires, but lay ground radials. Perhaps will hire the kids to help :-).
Unfortunately I won't have the time to do so until next spring and VC3I will have a mediocre 80 m antenna for CQ WW RTTY and CW. I hope it's at least as good as the inv V at 90' I took down last week.
Rudy N2WQ
Sent using a tiny keyboard. Please excuse brevity, typos, or inappropriate autocorrect.
> On Sep 4, 2017, at 8:25 PM, Kelly Taylor <ve4xt at mymts.net> wrote:
> Hi Rudy,
> Sounds like you have a conundrum!
> The vertical dipole idea may still have merit: the legs of the dipole need not be straight. Nor do T or L sections need to be perpendicular to the vertical elements.
> As mentioned, it removes the ground plane issue, it also moves the current maxima higher, which always helps.
> Could you, for instance, run catenaries from the top of the tower to insulators that would hold an end of each T-bar, then affix a vertical element down to a feedpoint, with the other side of the feedpoint dropping vertically to the 10 foot level where it would meet the lower T-bar?
> Folks have had success creating both vertical dipoles and vertical-dipole four squares using this idea, with towers similar to yours.
> Worth a thought?
> 73, kelly, ve4xt
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Sep 4, 2017, at 18:20, Rudy Bakalov via TowerTalk <towertalk at contesting.com> wrote:
>> Well, it's an option, but you need the height for this arrangement. In the case of 80, assuming you have the bottom of the dipole 10' from the ground, you need a ~105' tower. What you are describing is the K8UR array.
>> Rudy N2WQ
>> Sent using a tiny keyboard. Please excuse brevity, typos, or inappropriate autocorrect.
>>> On Sep 4, 2017, at 7:01 PM, Hans Hammarquist via TowerTalk <towertalk at contesting.com> wrote:
>>> Gentlemen,
>>> I wonder if it could be a good idea to use vertical dipoles instead of 1/4 w verticals and groundplanes. That way you would do away with the groundplane (that seems to cause issues). My idea was to "hang" up four full size dipoles or maybe shorted such.
>>> Just a thought.
>>> 73 de,
>>> Hans N2JFS
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