[TowerTalk] Boom Truss Clamp (Collar, Sleeve?)

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Wed Feb 28 08:07:19 EST 2018

DX engineering makes em in both 2 inch  and also 3 inch.     These are both just cast aluminum irrigation pipe clamps, but both using SS carriage bolt and mating SS hardware....+  SS nylock.
They both work superb.   I have been  using both the  2 inch and 3 inch  versions  since 1980.    I live close to the ocean. 

The SS carriage bolt is slick, as is has a square under the domed head... which fits the square hole in the clamp.    IE:  only one wrench required to tighten.  
There is no way in hell these will ever slip on the boom, cant.   They are aprx 3/16  to  1/4  thick al.   Just use a thimble, and also some never seize goop on the SS threads. 

https://www.dxengineering.com/search/part-type/antenna-boom-support-brackets?tw=boom&sw=Antenna%20Boom%20Support%20Brackets       Shows  both versions,  2 inch  +  3 inch. 

https://www.dxengineering.com/search/part-type/antenna-boom-support-brackets/product-line/dx-engineering-atbb-2-boom-brackets?autoview=SKU&sortby=Default&sortorder=Ascending    2 inch

https://www.dxengineering.com/search/part-type/antenna-boom-support-brackets/product-line/dx-engineering-atbb-3-boom-brackets?autoview=SKU&sortby=Default&sortorder=Ascending    3 inch

ONLY trick to using either sized clamp is that it HAS to be slid over that part of the boom ..1st !      It can not be added..after the fact... like say a 2 piece clamp assy.  

Jim   VE7RF

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