[TowerTalk] Comtek ABC switch Box.

Wayne Kline w3ea at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 26 17:20:56 EST 2018

Over the years I have owned  ABC 160 ABC 80 and ABC 40 meter  4 Sq switch box…..  My 80 meter  box  took a lightning hit last summer.
I picked up a used on  one of the Ham reselling sites…..
Getting ready for CQWW-CW I installed it and to my surprise….. it’s not working as it should.. Examining the unit and wringing out the truth table  the relays  are  A-OK.
There missing there covers and  the  torrids  are wound  on them but there is NO  fiberglass tape and there held in place with   a bead of RTV across the top…

Again the DXeng  site says there  wound on fiberglass tape    my old unit  has the tape

A good deal my be not so GOOD !

Wayne W3EA

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