[TowerTalk] looking for documentation and parts for tower

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Sun Sep 2 12:48:43 EDT 2018

On 9/1/2018 7:04 PM, Jim wrote:
> There never was Rohn 35. It kinda got that name because dimensionally is in
> between 25 and 45.

Right. I have five sections of it supporting small monoband antennas for 
20 and 15. One section is 4 ft into the cement base. Dimensions are 
scaled up from Rohn 25. I don't climb, but the guy who built and rigged 
it said the wider sides made it easier to climb. We poured a substantial 
base, and his judgement after climbing it was that it didn't need 
guying. I'm out in the country and there's nothing the tower can hit if 
it falls, so I've taken his advice.

73, Jim K9YC

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