[TowerTalk] Alfa SPID RAK - GH RT-21 voltage selection & turning speed

Gary Smith Gary at ka1j.com
Sun Sep 23 19:00:19 EDT 2018

I just connected the SPID RAK to the GH 
RT-21D in the shack today, just to be sure 
all is working and I understand its 
operations before putting it on the roof.

All seems to be working well but I'd like 
to have it turn more quickly, I am turning 
a 7 element 6M yagi. The tailtwister on 
the roof it is replacing turns faster 

25 seconds 180 deg tailtwister
40 seconds 180 degrees SPID

The way it came is with the transformer 
output wires set as yellow & brown. Orange 
and purple have a wire tie at the ends. 

I don't want to increase the voltage and 
do any damage but I see there are three 
voltage readings workable when using the 
SPID, each relating to the output wiring 
from the transformer. 

If anyone is using a different setting 
with the orange or purple wires, how is it 
working for you speed-wise? Any issues, 
and do you recall which tap you're using?

Thanks & 73,


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